I’m sorry you’ve been treated so horribly by non-believers and some health practitioners. It’s a long slog trying to get a diagnosis.
Yes absolutely I feel like I’m swallowing a bone stuck in my throat. Before my diagnosis I thought maybe it was a “tonsil stone” as it feels like a rock in my throat. I have similar pooling of food remnants in bottom left of tongue and thick saliva. I find I have to gargle with warm salt water to clear things out but still leaves that lump bopping around in my throat.
An acupuncturist I had been seeing was trying to figure it out, saw that my regrown left tonsil (they were both removed at 12yo) was irritated and told me to gargle as well. However even she was baffled as to what was going on.
Based on 2019 CT, my styloids were already long but I suspect that my left ligament has calcified. I’m waiting to get my 2020 CT that was for my sinuses which apparently shows my styloids but doesn’t go down far.
In Jan 2022 I burst out crying when I was told of the confirmation of bilateral elongated styloids and it’s likely ES. Everything in my gut thought it pointed to ES. Such relief with a diagnosis.
On top of my ES symptoms, every day I have to do a yawn to “release” my styloids from digging into the back of my throat. Last year I asked my chiropractor why I get that ripping noise when I open my mouth and she didn’t know. Now I know why - it’s so weird!