Hi Della,
There’s a lot of info in the Newbies guide to ES section about the best scans to get. A Ct with contrast is pretty much the best to show vascular involvement, which you’ve already had- unfortunately unless they can get you into a position where you’re getting symptoms though it might not be helpful in everyone’s case. But from that the radiographer should be able to see styloid length and calcification of the stylo-hyoid ligaments. One member- Snappleofdiscord- was trying to get a CT with contrast taken with her neck in a certain position to show the effects of the styloid on the carotid arteries; I can’t remember if she was ever successful with that or not.
There is a doctors list on the site which heidemt updates regularly with names of doctors who have treated ES. Hopefully there should be some Aussie docs to help, and here’s a link to a previous discussion where some members from Australia were talking about their doctors:
Hope this helps you a bit!