CBD and pain relief?

Thank you for your reply. I’m glad you’re getting a follow-up CT scan to see what the current state of your styloids & s-h ligaments is. Interesting about your styloid being curved out at the tip. When people post their CT scans here, we see all kinds of crazy styloid configurations. Even in the absence of elongations, extra thick, pointed or curved styloids can create ES symptoms. If yours is/are extra thick at the top, nerves & vascular tissues can still be affected.

It is not a problem to have the styloids removed to the skull base. I & many others on this forum have had that done w/o consequence to the muscles & ligaments which are attached to it, and most importantly, it has given us nearly complete recovery from our symptoms. Often when some of the styloid is left behind there are eventual repercussions i.e. regrowth or returning symptoms. I also had my s-h ligaments removed from styloid tip to hyoid bone. Though they weren’t fully calcified, they had intermittent calcification down their length & that was enough to warrant their removal.

I’m including a link to the doctors’ ist for countries outside the US in case you haven’t looked at it recently. There are some good doctors on there for your country.

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