Continuation from 2022 beginning with Appt with Hackman

I’m curious if taking selenium helps with your iodine intake issue?
My understanding is that selenium is needed to “take out the trash” (remove the by product) from the thyroid’s use of iodine.
I could imagine that if someone couldn’t handle the by product of using iodine it could look like an iodine issue when it was really low selenium? Just a thought.
I had left eagles surgery and they found calcified ligaments, scar tissue around the hyoid and thyroid and the left jugular vein blocked in 3 places. I just mention that since maybe Eagles is still part of the problem.
I had a thyroid goiter in high school and I wonder if the scar tissue found (40+ years later) was from that stretching out of the thyroid all those years ago.
Dr. Hepworth is good at looking for other things (not just Eagles). I’m not sure how easy it is to get in or if you want to (his office is as bad as ever, lots of dropped balls, etc…).
You mentioned your right jugular vein was large. I think most people have the right one larger than the left. I can imagine it could be even larger if it is trying to make up for a blockage somewhere (like the left jugular vein being compressed, as mine was from Eagles).