Coping mechanisms for jugular compression

Thank you for the welcome!

A bit more on the dyes, since it seems like it may be useful. The issue is with Azo dyes, and there are a lot of them, each with multiple names. For a short list: Category:Azo dyes - Wikipedia

Tartrazine is by far the most commonly used, as are the other yellow dyes. You’ll find it in unexpected places. Like you, I figured this out after a curry: even though the curry wasn’t yellow, they’d used chicken prepared earlier for a yellow-curry dish. The owners were very kind, and helped me out when I went back looking for possible ingredients. A few cross references with other things that made me feel horrible, IIRC some baked breaded items and some pickles on a hamburger, and I narrowed it down to yellow food dye.

Things that could contain a large amount of Tartrazine: french fries, pickles, margarine, ice cream, bagged snacks, candies, desserts, cakes, juices, and many oven-based meals or appetizers (anything breaded or battered). Most of these are worth avoiding anyway since many are also inflammatory, but I was able really reduce the frequency of really bad days once I learned to avoid tartrazine and other artificial dyes as an absolute rule. By the way, the yellow from turmeric is great, and annato seem to be perfectly fine. Hope this helps.