Experience is the best teacher

Overwhelmed and looking for support, guidance from people who have gone through this before and fellow patients in Chicago. Any help is appreciated :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hi and welcome !

I’ll tell you what and i’ll make it short, in my journey i’ve experienced one thing, ES makes you become stronger mentaly !

And you’ll experience the strongest inner feelings we humans have, and a deeper conection to understand life,death and pain.

Lastly, i hope you are doing okey, and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you ! :smiling_face:

  • Henrik

Hi @Brownre3!

Welcome to our forum! You sure do have a full plate when it comes to health challenges. I’m so sorry what you’ve been through & are now facing the ES challenge. How long ago did your spinal cord injury occur? I’m asking because I wonder if it plays into you ending up w/ ES. Did you have a neck injury at the same time? Do you mind sharing what symptoms you have that led to your ES diagnosis?

The good news with ES is that styloid removal (as close to the skull base as possible) has been life changing in a positive way for the majority of our members. We do recommend getting a second opinion to compare surgical techniques & to get more thorough answers to questions you may. Medical insurance usually pays for second opinions or at least part of cost when surgery is in question. We have a list of questions you can use when you see a potential surgeon:

How many ES surgeries has (s)he done?
Intraoral (transoral i.e. through the throat) or external (transcervical i.e. through the neck) surgery?
How much styloid is removed i.e. how close to the skull base is it removed?
Is the stub that’s left behind smoothed off (sharp edges left behind can cause problems)
Are nerves monitored during surgery?
Is the stylohyoid ligament also removed if it’s calcified?
Outpatient or inpatient?
What is the expected recovery time?
We also recommend that you not share a whole “laundry list” of symptoms but only discuss the ones that are most bothersome or debilitating.

We have two surgeons listed for your state, however, if you have symptoms that could indicate vascular compression, there are other doctors I would recommend instead:
•Dr Jason Cundiff, 27790 IL-22 Ste 27, Barrington, IL, (847) 649-6000, (Does intra-oral and external surgery) https://theentcc.com
•Dr Miloro, University of Illinois, Chicago 312- 996- 7640 http://hospital.uillinois.edu/Find_a_Doctor/Michael_Miloro.thm

If you click on the white butterfly avatar in the upper left of this page & scroll down to the Welcome category, you’ll see the link to our Newbies Guide there & will find lots of helpful information.

Please feel free to ask us any questions you have. We’re here for you! :blush:

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Hi & welcome! Sounds like you’re dealing with more than your share- I hope that you find the site helpful and are able to get some treatment for ES…surgery is a risk but can really help, it’s made a massive difference for me, I hope that you can find encouraging stories on here & at least feel you’re not alone :hugs:

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