It is so hard to decide about surgery, especially if you’re concerned that ES is maybe not the only cause…Unfortunately we can’t say for sure which symptoms might be caused by your styloids, & doctors won’t either, so really the only way to know is to see what goes after surgery…
We have had some members with twitching, muscle jerking etc, I don’t know how it can be explained unless it’s maybe vagus nerve related. You can use the search function to look up other discussions- I had a quick look & there are quite a few mentions but nothing really concrete as to whether it is definitely Eagle related/ resolves with surgery…
Here’s a link to a research paper about posture changes with blood vessels, I don’t know if that’s helpful to you, but you’ll be able to see how neck position can affect structures inside:
KOSUGI et al. (2020) - Posture-induced changes in the vessels of the head and neck: evaluation using conventional supine CT and upright CT - General / Research Papers - Living with Eagle
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