It’s not unusual for symptoms to come & go for no apparent reason, and also to get symptoms differ from each side…there’s info about common symptoms & possible explanations in this post:
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
Sounds like the left side is typical nerve involvement for ES- the Trigeminal, Facial, Glossopharyngeal & Accessory nerves. The popping on the right side could possibly be a calcified stylo-hyoid ligament .
The best thing to get a diagnosis would be to get a CT of your head & neck, from the skull base down to the hyoid bone, and ask that this could be evaluated for ES or Ernest Syndrome. Any calcifications should show on this and then you’d be able to see if this is your issue. You’d need to be referred to an ENT, or a head & neck cancer or neuro surgeon, we suggest that you try to get a referral to a doctor with experience of ES. There are a few in your state, here’s a link to the doctors list:
Doctor Lists – no discussion - Symptoms and Treatments / Doctor Information - Living with Eagle
If you’ve already had a CT done of this area then try to get a copy of it, & you can compare it to images of elongated styloids & calcified ligaments, or upload it here & we can have a quick look to see if you’re on the right track.
Hope this helps!