Is eagle syndrome an emergency and what are odds of dying!

Hi Chole !

It breaks my heart to read that you’re in so much trouble.

Your story sounds like it started for me also, seven years ago. I was first diagnosed for inner ear infection, and never got better.

Your question how urgent ES is or if it’s life threatening, well there is no studies that shows death as an imdiate outcome but if your case is severe enough it could cause some scary symptoms aswell as stroke. Stroke may accure with the vasculare variant off ES, because off compression on the internal jugular vein or carotid artery, stroke can also accure if the elongated styloids broke off and punctured an artery/vein.

There is patients with severe compression on the IJV/CA that’ll have dystonic storms or TIA seizures.

Sadly, but suicide has also been an outcome for some few.

So in my opinion, ES is urgent enough and should be taken seriously !

That you have to decide for yourself, i think you’ll be okey waiting seven days. But sometimes clinics offers “drop in” apointments if you call in early in the morning.

Hope you are doing okey, and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you :blush:

Good luck !

  • Henrik