Looking for Dr in Toronto / Ontario?

Dr Samji’s details are in the latest doctors list: Latest Doctors List 2017
Here’s some info about what scans Dr Samji needs: CT neck non-contrast “styloid protocol”?
You could start another discussions to ask about the ankylosing spondylitis, see if any other members respond? Or use the search facility to look through past discussions- just use the magnifying glass icon, top right of the page. We’ve had members with other connective tissue disorders like Ehlers Danlos syndrome.
It’s hard when you have vascular symptoms, been there! It can take a while to get anywhere with doctors- & even experienced ones aren’t always aware of some symptoms we get! But hang in there & try to keep strong; if you think you’d be able to get to Dr Samji then that’s great, he does phone consults, so you wouldn’t have to keep travelling to see him. Lots of members have stayed nearby after their ops, if you are able to get to see him Isaiah40:31 can give you suggestions.