Neck and back pain

I’m glad you’re healing and have seen improvements :hugs:

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Yes it is :slight_smile: it will take a while but will be okay.
The other doctor doesn’t know the cause of the infections, but suggested to do surgery. Next week we will gave a phone call. I also have a chronic nose infection, but Mometason nosespray helps me. Do other people here have the same problems? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: I thought it was because of Eagle but it isn’t.
Sorry for the late reply!


@Dodo - Is your surgery consult for your next styloidectomy or a surgery to try to help stop your ear infections? I had a terrible problem with ear infections when I was a child. I finally had my tonsils removed and that stopped my ear infections. If you still have your tonsils, maybe a tonsillectomy is worth considering.

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Pitching in re tonsils. Check whether you might have hidden deep tonsil stones that aren’t visible from outside. Talking from my own experience. It can be hellish experience, feeling like there is a cherry stuck deep in the nose.


Hai, it was about the ear infections. We made an appointment for coming over to the hospital to talk about it and the foctor is going to take a look again.

Very good to hear that worked out for you!:blush: will also talk about it with the doctor!


Thankyou for this, I didnt know yet! Are your tonsils removed?

no, I still have both of them