New ENT appointment advice

I think at least 2 weeks is more likely…you can search on here for post-op recovery with intra-oral surgery, and also if you google recovery from tonsillectomy as an adult (the tonsils are often removed if you haven’t had them out already), it will come up with quite a few stories- some are quite bad, but it will give you an idea of what to prepare for.
The same things to get ready in advance are the same as for external surgery- a wedge pillow to keep propped up, ice packs to help with swelling, soft food as your throat will be sore & you may not be able to open your mouth too wide, laxatives in case you get constipated with the pain killers…
Here’s a few discussions you could look at:
Surgery this week with Dr Bove - Questions - Support - Living with Eagle
Intra oral surgery-who has had this who already had tonsils out previously? - General - Living with Eagle
3 Weeks Post Op - General - Living with Eagle

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