New member waiting on ENT appointment. Possible ES + CT scans

Hi Mossy, & welcome to the site!
Your styloids do both look elongated to me, but the right side is interesting because it’s segmented- members have sometimes had fractured styloid processes (the styloids can be fractured quite easily, sneezing or laughing for example), so it could have been fractured at some point, or it could be the second section is not styloid process but calcified stylohyoid ligament.
The left side does look quite long too, it could be the CT, but it looks like there could be a bit of a gap at the top too.
It’s hard to get accurate measurements from the CT images as they’re taken in slices so it’s frustrating when doctors refuse to take it seriously over a 0.5 cm discrepancy. Also the angle & the width of styloid processes can affect symptoms too. There are links to research papers which mention these; it could be worth printing off to show a doctor if you have another appt.
I’m not sure if you’ve seen the latest doctors list; there are a couple of surgeons in Norway that members have had surgery with; would it be possible to see either of them? Here’s a link in case you haven’t:
Doctors Familiar With ES Countries Outside US Current List - Symptoms and Treatments / Doctor Information - Living with Eagle
Best wishes!