Here is what I found helpful. Starting with unhelpful things.
Not good for me:
- Coffee
- Forces working on my head neck (e.g. from car driving, walking/running)
- Sitting upright
- concentration tasks (already much better since last surgery)
Helpful was/is:
Lying elevated head, body or sitting lyed back in a TV seat (heard that jugulars are mostly used when you are lyed down completely)
back stroke swimming (with rubber swim cap is good, maybe the compression?)
resting after activities (listen to your body)
staying hydrated
blood thinners (Xa-Factor inhibitors)
Neural Therapy
fresh garlic (among other things lowers blood pressure)
Vitamin ADEK supplements (after being in a long term pain condition took that as a vitamin cure for 30 days)
Vitamin B complex for nerve healing (look for Vitamin B6 blood level when taking longer, that can be too much at some point)
Magnesium supplements
Omega 3 supplements (be careful with blood thinners)
CBD capsules (at least 40mg per dose up to 160mg; when legal available!) [unfortunately only found very expensive CBD products when I was in California]
medical marijuana, indica strains containing the terpenes Myrcene, Pinene, Linalool (only use legal medical marijuana if allowed in your state; there is one case report where it helped with IIH)
- lavender pills containing oil and extract (good calming effect (Linalool))
- mangos (containing Myrcene)
eating ice pops, water ice
That’s it. If I can think of anything else, I’ll be happy to add it. I hope there is something that brings you some help.