There’s lots of info about what to expect from surgery, and links to discussions, and the past discussions are searchable by topic so you can have a look through some, which hopefully will help. No surgeon will gaurantee that your symptoms will go, but most members find that they’re better off after surgery. The most important thing is to make sure that the surgeon is experienced, and removes as much of the styloid and any calcified ligament as possible, as close to the skull base as they can, and smooth off any remaining piece- when people haven’t had good results it’s often been because the doctor hasn’t removed much, or they’ve even just snapped a bit off.
I’ve had both sides done, and it wasn’t as painful as I’d expected- most people are used to living with pain anyway, so to get rid of some symptoms is great! I found I couldn’t open my mouth wide, and chewing was painful for a couple of weeks, so I had soft foods and smoothies, so it’s a good idea to get stuff in ready for that in case. (But second time around I didn’t have any problems!) . To avoid swelling it’s a good idea to keep propped up, so a wedge pillow or V shaped pillow is a good idea, and ice packs as well. I didn’t lift much for a few weeks, so if you can get help with your girls, that’ll help your recovery. Seamom did a suggested shopping list- here’s the link:
Most people go on to have the other side done (for some reason the other side sometimes seems to get worse after the first one’s done!), but that shows that the op can’t be that bad or people wouldn’t do both!
I’m sure your doc has talked through the risks; there have been a few members who’ve had tongue weakness, and facial droop, but that’s not common, and a couple who’ve had arm and shoulder sickness- with time these have improved.
Most of us get to the point where the ES symptoms are affecting quality of life so much that we’re happy to get the op!
BTW- ear pain and migraines are fairly common symptoms, so hopefully you’ll find an improvement.
Hope this helps and ask if there’s anything else you think of!