The definition of Eagles is either elongated styloid processes &/ or calcified stylo-hyoid ligaments which cause symptoms- so as you have calcifications on your ligaments, & if you have typical Eagles symptoms, then that should be a clear diagnosis.
There are treatments which can help, & some members have been able to live with ES like this, but surgery is the only permanent solution. There’s info about treatments in the Newbies Guide Section, & you can search for ‘what to expect after surgery’ & look through past discussions, there are lost of recovery stories so you know what to expect.
It can be a tricky surgery; it’s good that your ENT spotted this as many don’t know about it, but for surgery it’s best to see someone with experience. In the Doctors Info Section we have a list of doctors familiar with ES, there’s a doctor in Hawaii who has done surgery, otherwise Dr Samji in CA is very experienced. He does phone consults & will review CTs, so if you ENT is concerned about giving a diagnosis based on your CT result, you could send the scan & report to Dr Samji.
Here’s a link :
Doctor Lists – no discussion - Symptoms and Treatments / Doctor Information - Living with Eagle
Hope this helps, & let us know how you get on!