Vertigo , heart palpitations and vision loss

Yes, as Isaiah 40:31 mentioned, I did have severe vertigo. I also had heart palpitations and eye pressure (no vision loss). Vertigo was my first symptom back in August 2014 and was diagnosed as BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) which is an inner ear issue that can sometimes be treated successfully with repositioning maneuvers (I used Epley Maneuver). Basically, with BPPV the calcium crystals (otoconia) in our inner ear get dislodged and end up in one of 3 semicircular canals. As these free floating crystals move through the canals when we tilt our head forward, backward, left, right...our brain gets confused and vertigo (spinning) occurs. I had assumed that my vertigo was due to a really bad fall I had in July 2014 where these inner ear crystals possibly got dislodged, but now I truly believe that my ES was also a player. Most people respond quickly to these "repositioning maneuvers", but I did not. My vertigo did improve over time, but even my ENT doctor and Physical Therapist were stumped as to why my vertigo wouldn't completely go away if it was indeed 100% caused by BPPV. That is why I believe ES also was a cause. My vertigo finally went away completely last month, July 2015 (4 months after my ES surgery).

So in answer to your question, yes, I do believe ES can cause vertigo! I believe my heart palpitations were caused by the right styloid ossified ligament pressing on my carotid artery, and I am not sure what caused the eye pressure I had, most likely nerve compression.

ES can indeed cause some very interesting, uncomfortable symptoms and each case is completely different from the next. In addition to heart palpitations, I could not turn my head at all for months or else I would pass out. That was caused again by the styloid ligament compressing my carotid artery. All in all, the surgery removed 100% of my symptoms and I am an advocate for ES surgery. My quality of life has been restored thanks to my wonderful surgeon and I am so grateful.

I hope this information helps you and gives you encouragement and hope for a much healthier tomorrow. And please do not be afraid to have the surgery if your are having severe symptoms. The surgery truly can give you your life back.

Best of luck to you Damjo & God Bless!