At a loss…

@Shanef89 I’ve been reading your story from a couple of years back. I was diagnosed with ES over 10 years ago and now looking into surgery with Dr. Osborne.

How would you describe the overall surgery and recovery?

Would you recommend Dr. Osborne and having both sides done within the same week.

Thanks in advance!

It was a little while ago since his surgery so he may not reply…


Before you get the surgery to remove your calcified stylohyoid ligament or elongated styloid process, I would have Osborne/his neurosurgeon colleague or another neurosurgeon or other qualified MD rule out irritation of cranial nerves/vasculature by C1 transverse process.

I’m sure others on this site can speak to this better than I’m able. This has proved to be crucial for me and others with ES.


Hey there )))
So one of the things I am concerned about is whether tp of C1 is causing nerve issues. If you have any guidance on doctors or research on that, that would be awesome. I will look for a research as well.


Hi dear! There is Dr. Larry Lo at Northwell on Long Island. I don’t know of anyone in GA but Dr. Lo does video consults.


Thank you!

The surgery to me was a breeze, but for me the first night of recovery was bad pain, but I didn’t take any ibuprofen because I forgot to ask if I could so I didn’t. But every swallow was like knives. But after I took ibuprofen it was bearable. And the recovery thereafter was easy. The swelling can take like 6 months to fully subside. It was all worth it though. If you have any more specific questions let me know.

Very Respectfully,


@Cara - I don’t know that we’ve had anyone on our forum get both styloids removed w/in the same week. Our members who’ve had bilateral surgery have gotten both styloids removed at once. From my personal experience of having each side done separately, I think psychologically it would be difficult to head back into ES surgery for a second styloidectomy while still in substantial pain from the first one, but some of our members have had @Shanef89’s experience w/ pretty low pain post op, in which case, having two ES surgeries in one week would be doable.

@PamelaInNYC - Hi there. Did you work with Dr Lo?
I am scheduled to see him early next month.

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yes. he is an expert surgeon, highly ethical, and kind.


Yay, that makes me very happy! Thank you for responding. I might slide in your DMs after the visit


Feel free to ask me anything.