Body weakness

I’m new to this site and I’m grateful to find it.

I have all the classic ES symptoms and I have been diganosed but I wanted to ask if anyone had suffered with any body weakness as a symptom?

I get weakness all over I literally have to drag myself around it’s not like fatigue, the best way to describe it is like a low grade tingle and my breathing is also effected and if I left my arms they burn. This is intermittent but happening more recently I’m worried it could be something else along side the ES? Does this sound familiar to anyone…

The Vagus nerve can be compressed / irritated with ES, which can cause all sorts of symptoms; it can cause breathing issues, heart arrythmias, etc. It controls the flight or fight response too, & can cause anxiety issues. The accessory nerve can also be affected which can cause arm pain & weakness. I know that you say that it’s not fatigue, but fatigue has also been mentioned in lots of discussions, so is common.
So sorry that you’re feeling so rough; I hope that you’re able to get to the bottom of what’s causing this…


Hi Butters46,

I’m sorry to hear about your symptoms but am glad you’ve got a potential diagnosis. As Jules noted, we have had members w/ arm symptoms & some have seen those go away after having their styloids removed. In other cases there were additional things going on that required other medical specialists to help. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know for sure. We recommend that unless your symptoms are life-threatening, deal with the thing you know you have first, & if that doesn’t help, move on to exploring other therapies. It’s most likely that the ENT you see won’t acknowledge that your arm symptoms are related to ES but we’ve learned on here that most doctors familiar with ES are NOT familiar with the broad spectrum of symptoms it can cause.


I have arm issues as well. Burning sensation, aching sensation, it is weird. I don’t know if it is related to my eagle syndrome or not. But it’s interesting to hear that it has happened to others as well.


Thank you so much I am awaiting a ENT app where I will go over the symptoms and see how knowledgable he is with regards to the other…