Clarification on MVD for ES, and a comparison of the recovery?

I’m sorry that you’re still having the ear pain, and that maybe the MVD surgery wasn’t the right path for you- to be fair, most doctors caution against ES surgery unless really necessary and consider that it has a certain level of risk, so maybe isn’t regarded as that much less invasive compared to MVD surgery?
Unfortunately the couple of members that I can think of who had MVD surgery as well aren’t active on here right now, so you might not get any input from them.
Recovery from ES surgery as @Isaiah_40_31 says is glossed over by doctors quite often. Many doctors especially in the US do the surgery as an outpatient, but not all, don’t be fooled that it’s an easy surgery though. Hopefully the recovery would be easier than from your MVD surgery, I would hope that you’d be back to work after a few weeks depending on what you do. (I had to do some lifting so took a month off, but would’ve been okay to work earlier if it was a desk job). Some members have found talking for long can be painful after surgery, so that’s something to bear in mind, and also driving can be uncomfortable for a few weeks. After my first surgery I couldn’t turn my head well for a few weeks, but that was easier after my second surgery. Chewing or opening your mouth wide can be uncomfortable, so you might need a soft diet for a couple of weeks. It’s really hard to say exactly what recovery would be like though, as it really does vary!
One member @1speechpick had MVD surgery but did have complications, here’s a link to a discussion she posted:
Hyoid bone syndrome, here I am again - General - Living with Eagle
You can click on her avatar & send a message to her if you want…