@Andy89316 has given you some good info- Mr Axon is the most experienced with ES in the UK that we know of, but he does have a long waiting list on the NHS. Mr Hughes in London has done quite a few surgeries too…the other doctors we don’t know so much about; their names have been given to us by members but some could’ve been a little while ago.
If you look in the Newbies Guide Section about common symptoms and possible explanations, there’s a section about Vascular ES & the common symptoms, so have a read of that & see if you have any of those, they’re slightly different depending on whether the jugular veins or carotid arteries are being compressed.
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
As @Andy89316 says, a CT with contrast does usually show if there’s compression, I doubt you’d be able to get a dynamic one done on the NHS though. If you do think you have vascular symptoms, and were wanting to get a referral to one of the doctors mentioned, certainly Mr Axon likes the scans done a certain way at Addenbrooks so not worth trying to get one done before you saw him, I think. Yes, you can have vascular ES later after classic ES is diagnosed- it could be because the styloids keep growing & symptoms get worse, or because the stylo-hyoid ligaments start to calcify, or sometimes just aging can cause the connective tissue to weaken or a cervical disc to bulge, which can alter the position of structures in the neck enough to cause pressure on a blood vessel.
Are your symptoms different now to when you had ES diagnosed in 2013?