Hi Pigeon. Firstly, your imaging is yours. That facility should be willing to give you all the files in some way, usually on a CD; most of the time its free or a small charge. Secondly, I believe all the Drs that treat eagles will interpret the imaging independently, they don’t need a report; granted, most imaging should come with a report that usually takes 1-2 days.
I also thought my symptoms were TMJ, my ES was actually caught during imaging for a night guard. The imaging showed healthy joints, so the TMJ was muscle based. Physical therapy, with dry needling being the main treatment, was quite effective. But, symptoms still persisted, which led to me to ES. They are quite different treatments for different problems, if your jaw joints are healthy then jaw surgery probably won’t be a benefit.
You do have some slightly elongated styloids; angle and thickness play a part too. Please reply with your symptoms because ES is diagnosed via imaging and symptoms. Please look at the Dr list and start researching Drs you would like to see; just search their name on the site and read testimonials; its how I found my doctor. There is also a FB group if you want to join that.