is a cta/ctv one single procedure?
“an eagle” dr asked me to get a ctv but the order put by my primary (since different state i had to ask my primary to order states cta ) .would they perform both or is it just the general term ? i understand that cta shows arteries and ctv veins
also in that same line since im way more symptomatic would it be appropriate to get a simple ct w contrast of head and neck since the last ct i had done was a ct soft tissue w contrast but for a differnt reason on on April 2023 .thank you for ypur input i dont want to repeat prpcedure sif the ctv would show compression and also the styloids or calcifiedligaments or viceversa if the refular ct of head and neck would show compressions
it would be easier to ask these questions to the drs but not one of the two I saw get back to me and its been a while ,at least i want to have tests done
thank you very much