Oh that’s great news that your surgery is this coming month. Exciting! Yes I am scheduled for a CTV on Wednesday to see what’s going on. Fingers crossed. I’m being patient I know it’s 6-12 month recovery. I’m only going into 5 months. It’s just concerning to have symptoms creep back. My hearing loss is definitely there thankfully I’m not deaf so it could be worse. I look at it as a gift right now because I don’t sleep well and now the crickets don’t keep me up. Haha
Thank you for your kind words, hopefully the CTV that Dr C ordered will show what’s going on.
Let us know how you get on
We’re totally in the same boat about the hearing loss! Since mine is unilateral, if I sleep on my right side, I don’t need to wear an earplug because I don’t hear my husband snoring, however, if I sleep on the left, I have to wear one in my right ear or he wakes me up. There are advantages to having poor hearing in one ear, but my family sure is tired of the words, “What did you say?”
Lol, what did you say?! . Sleeping on the surgery side is still a little uncomfortable, though it may be psychological. My neck is very tight.
It took me some months to feel ok sleeping on my surgery side for any length of time. Try gentle finger tip massage on your tight neck muscles. Heat may help, too, just prior to bedtime or a nice epsom salt soak in your bathtub if you have one. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant & could be helpful. You can also get it in cream & roll on gel forms. Some people have found creams containing CBD oil help, too.
Yes, I am using magnesium glycinate once in the morning 2x at night before bed. I also use magnesium oil. I try and do gentle massage on the surgery area especially SCM. I use red light therapy at least once a day which really helps. I wish I had a large enough water heater to accommodate a soaking bath. I know it takes time, I’m being as patient and realistic as possible. But sleep has been a challenge the past 3.5 years since the accident. I crave a full night sleep!
I’m glad you have some effective therapies in place, @lilwider. I’m sorry sleep is still evasive for you.
I’m not a great sleeper so I use nanoemulsion (how do they come up with these words?! ) Melatonin sold by Quicksilver Scientific at night. It’s liquid (1 squirt = 1 mg). That has been tremendously helpful. I usually do 2 squirts (2 mg) for the best results for me. I also take mag glycinate morning & night, but it hasn’t been effective as a sleep aid.
There is another product that I have used from that company that has helped me. Admittedly, it could be for a reason unrelated to Eagle Syndrome.
I don’t order in the hot months because it needs to stay cold. I need to reorder and try it again. Liposomal Glutathione. It helps with a variety of symptoms.
They also have Liposomal Vitamin C if people think C helps them.
Thank you for the suggestion on the melatonin, I was taking melatonin by pure capsulated, but I saw no help with sleeping, and felt very fatigued in the mornings. I’m going to look up the brand that you’re using and give it a shot.
Would you mind letting me know who he’s sending you to for CCI? I’ll be seeing him mid December for surgery and can’t afford to go back to NY again and loose my great insurance in a few months so was thinking maybe I’d reach out to the CCI he refers patients too locally since he mentioned this being a concern for me.
And thank you! You sharing your journey has helped many of us!
Dr. Arthur Jenkins.
Sorry for the slow reply I rarely check the forum.
We miss you, Barrootz. Thank you for the great information & support you provided when you were here more often!
How are you doing??
@Barrootz, I will be having surgery in April with Dr. Costantino. As far as scheduling the surgery, did you have your surgery the first thing in the morning or later in the day?