Diagnosed, but few symptoms. Consult surgeon?

The only way to see if the styloids are close to any blood vessels is to have a CT with contrast done- I’d imagine most people’s will be close to vessels, as it’s a very cramped space though, with major blood vessels going to & from the head as well as several cranial nerves which exit the skull base close to the styloid processes. It’s often not the length of the styloids which cause symptoms but the angle they grow at.
There are risks to surgery- obvious risks of catching a blood vessel or causing a stroke, but also of (usually temporary) damage to one of the cranial nerves. Seeing an experienced surgeon will help minimise those risks, & most surgeons will monitor the nerves, but also there can be problems with scar tissue later. So if symptoms aren’t too bad & don’t affect quality of life then it may be best left alone…but there is the possibility of the styloids continuing to grow, & if the stylohyoid ligaments are starting to calcify then that could continue & worsen. If nerves are being irritated or compressed & the styloids left then they could damage further.
We’ve had a similar discussion recently, I think generally the consensus is if not causing many problems then best left, & look into surgery if they do in future.
It’s thought that many people may have elongated styloid processes & never know; Eagles Syndrome is only diagnosed if people have elongated processes and/ or calcified ligaments & symptoms.
Here’s one discussion:

Hope this helps!

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