Does this sound like Eagles? If so, does anyone have advice/tips on navigating the medical system to get tested?

Thank you. Possibly Montana or North or South Carolina. It’s a bit up in the air at the moment. I’m self employed and it’s coming up on my busy season so a lot of it depends on that. It’s more likely that it’ll be Montana only because I don’t even know how I’d manage a move across the country logistically with my dizziness.

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@Dizzy - Montana is a beautiful state! We’re planning to move to Wyoming from the West Coast so would be your distant neighbors. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

MT will put you a bit closer to CO where Dr. Hepworth is. He’d be a good doctor for you to consider seeing w/ the symptoms you have.


I’m considering Wyoming too! I forgot to mention it for some reason. I’ll look into that doctor. Thank you.

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We’ll be going to the eastern part - not too far from Spearfish, SD, which is also a beautiful area!

•Dr. Edward Hepworth, IMMUNOe, 3150 E 3rd Ave, Denver, CO 80206 (303) 224-4711


I’m UK but from what I’ve seen online/ TV Montana looks beautiful! As @Isaiah_40_31 says, Dr Hepworth is really experienced with vascular ES, so that would be a great move :grinning:


Hey there! What a discovery haha! I had a CTV done and it showed my left SCM has gotten so big from being tight 24/7 that it compresses my left IJV and pushes my C1 into the right IJV.

My first rib was also in the right place so it seems my shoulder and/or first rib are not causing the issues.

I had my first low dose botox round done in my left SCM. Got quite a bit of relief. Getting my second round today with an increased dose.

This is the dr going over the ctv:

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Thanks for sharing that @IvdM , and I hope that the botox injections help your SCM tightness and swelling :pray:

That is a remarkable video, @IvdM! I’m so glad you saw Dr. Middleton. We have other members who’ve also seen him & speak highly of him. I also hope the botox injections are a huge help in reducing the size of & tension in your SCM and that in turn allows your IJV & ICA to open up more fully. You may still need a styloidectomy later, but for now you’re off to a good, far less invasive start to recovery.

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