Dr. Hackman Surgery 2/28/22 + Full Story

@strongman - Welcome to our forum. I’m sad after reading your story & discovering what you’ve been through.

I suspect the fact you have CCI is what caused you to develop ES. Our members who have CCI and ES (they are commonly together since we believe having an unstable C-spine encourages the body to elongate the styloids in an attempt to create neck stability). Unfortunately, even if the styloids do help stabilize the neck, they cause many other problems when they get too long, curved, thick, or pointed, including causing the symptoms you’ve listed you have. This is because of the cranial nerves & vascular tissues which “live” in the same area & are irritated or compressed by the styloids. These symptoms are often reduced or go away completely once the styloid(s) are removed, however, for people w/ CCI, styloid removal can make their neck instability worse. We have had some members with CCI who worked hard to strengthen their supporting neck muscles after ES surgery which seemed to help reduce the symptoms of CCI, but the need to do the muscle strengthening is permanently ongoing if it is to continue to be successful.

Our member @vdm started a couple of very good threads that discuss cervical stability, posture & exercises that can help reduce pain & other symptoms though the real “cure” initially is getting the styloids cut back so they stop irritating the nerves & in your case possibly the internal jugular veins.

The links below will be helpful for you.

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