First I want to thank all of you for your prayers, healing wishes, & for thinking of me during my surgery yesterday.
I know many of you have been following my IJV compression story. My surgery with Dr. Hepworth yesterday (10/30/24) went extremely well. I’m feeling much better than I expected this morning probably due to Percocet, ice, & a course of dexamethasone (steroid).
Dr. Hepworth gives the time he needs to do the best possible surgery for each patient he sees so he often runs behind which means a bit of a wait if you aren’t first on his surgical schedule for the day. My surgery was scheduled at 1 pm, & I think it didn’t start till closer to 4:15 pm. I didn’t mind the wait because I knew when it was my turn he’d give me the time I needed.
Prior to surgery, Dr. Hepworth came in to have me sign a couple of documents giving him permission to resect part of my thyroid if necessary & to apply sheep intestinal tissue to my IJV to protect it from further risk of compression. He didn’t need to touch my thyroid, & I don’t know if I’ll bleat occasionally now because I’m part sheep
, but will find out at my post-op appt.
My surgery must have been very straight forward as it only took an hour. Dr. Hepworth told my husband that he further shortened my styloid, moved my IJV away from C1 & removed some lymph nodes that were contributing to the IJV compression & my IJV opened right up. I am thankful that I didn’t need a C1 shave & my thyroid wasn’t part of the problem.
I awoke feeling like I had a humongous earplug in my left ear, the same level of tinnitus I went into surgery with, a horrifically sore throat on the left side (from the breathing tube), a slightly stiff jaw & the usual neck pain one gets after having the neck sliced open, plus some facial numbness on the left. The earplug sensation is gone this morning, no change in hearing yet, & the “fun” is just beginning w/ post op swelling. Gotta love ice!!
Having been through styloid resection surgery twice before, I know that healing is a game of patience. In 4-6 mos if I experience no hearing restoration, I will assume that the damage to my ear nerves was substantial enough they can’t recover, but I will have no regrets for having the surgery. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
For those who don’t know my story, I had this surgery due to hearing loss in my left ear which began after a cycling accident w/ head injury 9.5 years ago between my two styloidectomy surgeries for bilateral ES (not done by Dr. Hepworth). Three years ago I learned that what had been diagnosed as Meniere’s Disease, which is idiopathic, could actually be caused by IJV compression. After several scans & some help from our forum members, I learned I had bilateral IJV compression, but only the left side was seriously symptomatic. I chose Dr. Hepworth to do the surgery because of the reputation he’s developed among our members since 2015 when his name first appeared here. Though it can be frustrating to get through to his office, I believe it’s worth the perseverance it takes to do so if you want a consult/surgery with him.
I will update periodically as healing begins.