Ernest syndrome

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone been diagnosed with Ernest syndrome in addition to Eagles? I’ve done alot of research on this. My right side is great after my surgery. My left side continues to bother me. I recently saw my TMJ (which I don’t have anymore pain on the left after eagles surgery) doctor and he suspected Ernest syndrome. Through my research I’m pretty sure I have Ernest syndrome as well. I also think the Eagles caused the Ernest syndrome as my right styloid attached itself to my right jaw/throat and consequently moved my jaw and structures in that area. Ernest syndrome has the same symptoms as Eagles. Again, there are the non classic symptoms. I have another appointment with a specialist for Ernest syndrome. The tell tale test is the injection of anesthstic into the insertion of the stylomandibular ligament. If that decreases the pain, then a steroid is injected. I sought out Dr. Ernest but he is no longer in practice. I’ve spent time searching for someone who actually knows what Ernest Syndrome is. Reminds me of my days of searching for a specialist for Eagles. I’m still on my way! I’m grateful for Dr. Hackman. He changed my life with my Eagles surgery. I have another step. Advocating for myself. This time I feel like I’m a pro :-). I’m curious if anyone here has had the injection for Ernest syndrome. Please let me know. Hugs to all of you.


I’m sorry to know that you’re having more problems on the left side. From what you said about your styloid attaching to your jaw, that could have been the impetus for Ernest Syndrome to start. Dr. Hackman would be able to take care of that as well. Have you tried contacting him?

We have had a few members that had Ernest Syndrome in conjunction w/ ES & at the time of their styloidectomies, the stylomandibular ligament was also resected. I don’t know that they were ever diagnosed w/ Ernest Syndrome specifically. I think that their surgeons had observed both the stylohyoid & stylomandibular ligaments were calcified & just took care of both in the same surgery.


So sorry that you’re having issues still after your surgery!
There have been a few discussions about this as a few members have had both issues, but not sure that anyone’s posted about treatments. Here’s a couple of links if you’ve not seen them already:
The Importance of Diagnosing Ernest: A Crucial Study - General - Living with Eagle
Do you have a tight ligament in your throat? - General - Living with Eagle
I hope that you can get some answers :hugs:


Thanks @Isaiah_40_31. I’m going to reach out to Dr. Hackman’s office tomorrow.

@Jules Thanks for the link to the discussions and information. So helpful!