Thank you so much for your support! This site is really helpful. And you are right - Norway is such a small country, and there are no doctors who have proper knowledge of ES.
But there is ONE surgeon in this entire country who has done four or five ES surgeries, and I had an appointment with him this week. Luckily he works at a hospital in Oslo where I live, so I didn’t have to travel far to see him, but I have waited for this appointment for months. He was the first doctor who actually believed that the styloids may be causing the pain, and he didn’t deny the existence of ES. But he did not want to perform the surgery at this point. He wanted to wait for six months to see if the symptoms develop or fade out. He said that it is a risky surgery, and that he wanted to make sure that it was worth the risk.
It felt good to talk to someone who actually believed me, but I am cobsidering travelling to England, Germany or any other country in Eautope to see some specialists there. The surgeon here in Norway had only performed four-five surgeries, so I think I want to see someone with more experience. But I will put him on the Doctors’ List so that other fellow Norwegians may come in contact with him.
So are there any members here who have had their surgery done in Europe by an experienced surgeon? I am willing to travel wherever I have to go. Even though we have free healthcare in Norway, and I would get the surgery for free here, I wish to have the surgery performed by someone who has done it more than just four-five times …
Before I discovered this forum I was so confused because I couldn’t find any information about ES causing voice problems. But many of the members here are experiencing that the voice is affected, and it is good to know that I am not alone.
Again, thank you for all the thoughtful consideration, it means the world to me.
Best wishes from freezing Norway.