Hi everyone, I’m new to the group and just (finally) got a diagnosis that I have the elongated stylohyoids (3.2 left and 3.1 right). I’m so grateful this forum exists - I’ve been reading & learning a lot, and it has been very validating as well. I’m feeling a mix of fear and relief, because I have been trying for many months/years to get a diagnosis for chronic extreme voice pain, voice changes (singing and speaking), muscle tension dysphonia, chronic sore throats and chronic throat tightness & cough. I have had a LOT of tests & exams - had seen pulmonologists, allergists, gastros, multiple big name Hollywood singer ENTs and everything was always normal - “perfect” vocal cords. I had asthma tests, blood tests, allergy shots, x-rays, voice therapy & larengyeal massage, acid reflux medication, diet changes, acupuncture, getting rid of our cat who I’m allergic to…the list goes on…no diagnosis and nothing helped.
I was diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia which led to me trying voice therapy. The techniques to help felt really minimal to me as a professional singer, and didn’t do much to help the tension or SHARP pain (especially when talking). I could sort of fake my way through recording 1 song, but it was extremely uncomfortable and by the end I would feel like I was being strangled from all the tension. I usually sing soprano and can sing very breathy and delicately up there…all of that went away. High notes are painful and cut out, especially depending on which way I turn my head. I knew there had to be something else underlying all of this - a problem with a ligament or muscle…it truly felt like I ripped something. The pain would also radiate to my teeth & jaw and I was convinced there had to be a nerve element and it couldn’t all be MTD. I’ve been singing professionally for 15 years and know my instrument extremely well. It just wasn’t working the way I was used to. All that said, I was starting to feel truly hopeless and doctors would say things to me like “Maybe it’s just stress” and I would go absolutely insane.
2 weeks ago, my newest ENT suggested I get a Neck CT to rule out Eagles Syndrome. I had NEVER heard of it despite many months of deep googling issues that can affect the voice beyond the vocal cords. Once I started reading about Eagles, I had a crazy instinct that THAT was what has been affecting me…even though it is so rare. I just had a feeling and as much as it’s not a great diagnosis, I also felt a sense of relief that I could be on the path to figuring this SHIT OUT!! Turns out I have the elongated SPs…and it pretty much explains everything.
I’m a professional singer so this is particularly devastating on that level - it has been uncomfortable and painful to talk or sing ever since February. My voice has sharp pain up in the area under the jaw, up to the side of the hyoid, and my voice is extremely croaky, and easily fatigues. It’s hard to even talk on the phone. I KNEW the changes to my voice and pain were not normal, but this ENT who ordered the CT was the first person that ever suggest ruling out Eagles. I’m grateful that she knew about it. I’ve been singing for 20 years and have never had an issue like this where my vocal cords were perfectly healthy but I had SO much clearly wrong with my voice.
The diagnosis from the CT and finding these forums on ES have given me so much validation. I have known something was not right and it was starting to seem like I was crazy. It seems everyone has varying symptoms, but a similarly frustrating experience working towards a diagnosis. I am reading these forums and learning so much.
Here are some questions I have:
My CT says the SP’s are elongated, but nothing about the effect on the nerves or ligament. Did anyone found out additional information from an MRI? Is it suggested to get an MRI after the CT? CT report says nothing about the ligament or calicification, or which nerves it’s messing with.
I know 3.2 and 3.1 isn’t THAT long…has anyone had them causing major voice problems & removed at that length?
Has anyone had relief with just pain management and injections? Medication? It seems surgery is really the cure. In the surgery, I’ve read the ligament usually gets removed. As a singer this REALLY alarms me. What happens to the ligament/muscles attached to the SP? Can anyone speak to why we do not need this ligament, or if the removal of it affects speech or singing voice? I’m really concerned about this.
I am in California and have read a lot about Dr. Samji. I’m going to get a consult with him, but I’ve read on the forum that he wants a CT *without contrast. This upset me because I got a CT with contrast, that shows the measurements of the SPs, and I really don’t want to have to get another one bc of radiation and cost. Can anyone who has seen Dr Samji let me know their experience with this?
The ENT who helped me find this does not actually treat it. She suggested I see a oral maxillofacial specialist who doesn’t take my insurance…so now I’m on the hunt for an expert. Is it best to see a maxillo or an ENT for this? I’m going to talk to Dr. Chhetri and Dr Mendelsohn @ UCLA. Can anyone tell me about their experience with either of them treating your Eagle Syndrome?
THANK YOU SO MUCH - I really really appreciate any advice. This forum is a godsend. I finally have a diagnosis (I think) but can’t help but feeling that I’m back at the beginning of a long journey…as a singer, I’m devastated and just want to do anything I can to sing freely and pain-free once again.
Lastly - I know there are some other people on this forum who are singers/musicians. I would love love love to talk to you more. I’m so worried that my singing career is majorly threatened…it’s my entire life, livelihood and identity. I really need some hopeful recovery stories <3
Thank you x