Finally diagnosed with clicking larynx syndrome!

Thought it was time to post my story… - General - Living with Eagle"

This is a_catindisguise’s story. You can scroll right up to the very top and read it.

Also, this is found on the user’s profile page:

My symptoms started 2 months ago after a chiropractic adjustment, but i suspect I’ve been dealing with ES for about 8 years now. Had really bad posture and teeth grinding/clenching. Symptoms started off with intense pressure and pain in my ears and jaw. A few days after that I noticed clicking and pain in my throat when swallowing. Then i started having pain from talking too long or trying to sing in my higher register. This sensation was so alarming for me that I didn’t want to eat or drink water or even swallow my spit. I quickly began researching and came across HBS and ES. Then all the weird neurological symptoms I had experienced for years prior started to make sense….tinnitus in both ears, blurred/cloudy/pixilated vision, random episodes of feeling like I’m going to throw up and pass out, shortness of breath, food aversions, etc…so now I’m here on this forum trying to find the support I need not to :skull_and_crossbones: myself. This has driven me absolutely insane. I already had anxiety before all this, but this is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. No doc has been able to put a finger on it yet, but i am currently waiting on the results from my neck CT angiogram w contrast that my 2nd ENT ordered.