Has anyone experienced pain on the skin surrounding their big or I guess any other toenail? I’m reluctant to visit the doctor because I remember the pain I speak of bringing it up to my mom as I was coming up. So I’m not sure anything but Eagle surgery’d help. My mom told me a story of someone she knew who had to surgically have an ingrown toenail removed. The pain on the skin near my toenail is now apparent when I walk. I’ve cut my actual toenail away from the skin. My skin hurts on the left outside side of my big toenail.
It does sound like an ingrowing toenail, like your Mum said, and it can get bad enough to need surgery. I’d suggest soaking your toe in warm salt or Epsom salt water, and using an antiseptic cream. If it gets very red and swollen then see your PCP, or a podiatrist.
@Itsanewdawn - Here’s another option - Pernio AKA chilblains which can turn all parts of the toe(s) red i.e. around the nail or on just one side of the nail, tip of the toe & when it’s bad further down the toe, too. It’s very painful so wearing sox & shoes makes it worse. I have experienced this & have to use Rx strength cortisone cream to help it heal when I get it.
Chilblains (perniosis) - symptoms and treatment | healthdirect.
Have you had your ES surgery yet? I know you were waiting for a surgery date.
Thank you, Jules! I went to the doctor. The home instructions have a lot of what you mention as far as treatment.
Thank you! Isaiah_40_31. It sounds painful what you went through. I’m still fighting the Kaiser surgeon for a referral. I’ve left a msg to get a nurse case manager see if she or he’ll be any help. Thank you for asking.
@Itsanewdawn - I’m glad your sore toe will be easier to fix than my problem! I hope it heals quickly.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with Kaiser Insurance. It can be a bear to get the help you need for ES through Kaiser as you’re experiencing. It’s unfortunate, too, that most Kaiser doctors are not familiar w/ ES or if they are, they aren’t experienced with the surgery. I hope you’re able to find someone in network for you or that Kaiser will pay for you to go out of network.
On toe/foot pain I’d add that we have a huge number of nerve endings in our feet so nerves being upset can be a factor. I had toe pains at outset of my I’ll health journey. Not walking barefoot/comfy supportive shoes (not heels) may help. Take care. D
I’m sorry to hear you have a problem, Isaiah_40_31. I appreciate your empathy and response.
Thank you, PatientD