Has anyone had a jugular stent?

Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking on the sidelines of this site for over two years during my Vascular Eagle Syndrome diagnosis, my left side styloidectomy, and 1-year post-op. I finally decided to make an account and join the community. This site has been a wealth of knowledge and anecdotal experiences for me to better understand this condition, so THANK YOU ALL!

I had my left styloid removed April 2023 by Dr. Hepworth after I was diagnosed with bilateral jugular vein compression. Dr. Hepworth’s theory was my sternocleidomastoid muscles along with my styloids were the cause of my compression based on CT and ultrasound results. He chose to operate on my left side because my symptoms were greater on the left side of my body which included nerve pain in my left shoulder and collarbone and nausea/dizziness when turning my neck left. I also had intercranial hypertension, insomnia, extreme tightening of my neck muscles, and muscle spasms among other symptoms. My dominant jugular vein is on the right, but I do not have any nerve pain or problems when turning on that side.

I felt a lot of relief right after the surgery with most of my symptoms disappearing. However, about a 1-2 months after surgery my symptoms came back. Dr. Hepworth believed it to be caused by swelling from the surgery at first, but by October my symptoms still had not resolved so he order another ultrasound which revealed that my left jugular had closed. He has referred me to Dr. Fargen in North Carolina to get a venogram and evaluation for a stent.

My appointment with Dr. Fargen should be in May (still getting things lined up). My understanding is that after the venogram, Dr. Fargen will decide if he thinks I need a stent or not, and if I choose to I could have it placed within the same week I am there.

Has anyone on this site had a stent placed in their jugulars? If so what was your experience?

From what Dr. Fargen’s nurse told me, he has the most experience with Jugular vein stents and has placed about 60 of them. They said the most common symptom is nerve pain in your neck and arm, but that usually doesn’t happen if the styloid has been removed already.

At almost 1-year post op from my styloidectomy, the nerve pain I was experiencing in my left shoulder/neck is about 90% gone and the nausea I used to feel when turning my head left is completely gone. However, my insomnia, intercranial hypertension, and tightness of my neck muscles/ neck spasms, are only about 50% improved.

Just trying to collect as much data as I can before seeing Fargen in May, since it seems jugular stents are not done very often and the risks involved. Thank you in advance for your input!

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@chbugo - Welcome to our forum! I’m really glad you’ve found good information here that helped you make decisions about how to move forward with your treatment for vES/vascular outflow obstruction. I’m really sorry that your IJV re-collapsed after your surgery. We have a few members who’ve had that problem. I’m not sure how many have had stents placed so I can’t give you a helpful answer there. I expect someone will reply to share his/her experience though. While you wait, you can do some searching for posts by clicking on the magnifying glass image in the upper right corner of this page. Try searching “stent or stents” &/or Dr. Fargen as his name comes up on here from time to time. Our member @PatientD may be a good resource for you, too.

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Try to stretch and strengthen your SCM, digastric, scalene, levator scapula, trapezoids, rhomboids and other neck/shoulder/back muscles before getting the stent and see if that helps or not, as stents is irreversible solution, and it sometimes helps, sometimes doesn’t or even makes it worse.

This long one-liner might sound very direct and “vague” (“every doctor said that until I found the surgeon who knows about Eagle’s syndrome”), but has very substantial foundation.

Though be very careful with the remaining styloid, as it may injure your arteries/veins.

Personally I’d get the second styloid removed first before getting the stent. But that’s just my personal non-professional opinion.


I’ve heard Dr Hackman once mention something about Dr Fargan using a retrievable stent. I really don’t know what that means but it’s something to ask about. The big issue with a stent is either migration or if there isn’t enough room between the c1 lateral mass and the compressing muscles.

I’ve seen stents go both ways for people, both very positive and some really negative. Not trying to scare you but I’d make sure to have an in depth discussion with Dr Fargan about the possible side effects of a stent and if perhaps a c1 shave or muscle resection is the safer option.


I do agree with what the others have suggested; to be cautious and explore other options before having a stent. If your SCM is also causing compression then that would potentially be easier to get sorted rather than a permanent stent maybe? If you’re still having extremely tight muscles and this is what’s possibly causing the compression and collapse of the IJV, then I don’t know if a stent is fitted if this could be potentially painful for you?
And I agree with @vdm that getting your other side styloid removed might be an idea next, especially if the side remaining is your dominant IJV. I was lucky and just having the styloid removed was enough to re-open the IJV and ease the IH symptoms, I opted to have the other side removed too as although less symptomatic it was still compressing my IJV and having that second surgery improved symptoms even more, so might be worth considering?


Hello, sorry to hear your health issues. I have heard that stents inside skull have very good/reliable outcomes for patients. But in neck areas we move all the time and so stents in neck can be more problematic. But I do not have any stents myself and Dr Hackman is highly regarded.

On muscle tension in SCm I have been using dry needling. It is painful but it is effective at forcing muscle to relax. Medic prescribed me muscle relaxant too but I have yet to try that. Medics do inject Botox in to trapezius muscles to try & relax them but I am not sure if they do that for other muscle groups. I have tried stretching but with limited success.

Good luck with your treatment. Take care. D


That’s interesting. I always thought that any stent eventually gets surrounded/“wrapped” by the body’s connective or whatever type of tissue, as it’s a foreign object and the immune system tries to isolate it… Perhaps it’s time to update my knowledge.

Upd: so I found something about “retrievable stents”, but perhaps it’s not exactly what Dr Hackman had mentioned?

These stents are a fine metallic mesh that is navigated into the area of blood clot, then “catches” the clot and is retrieved back together with the clot, not left inside the body.


Isaiah, vdm, elijah, Jules, and PatientD-- Thank you for all of your helpful words of advice and suggestions. I agree that I should be cautious about getting a stent. My partner and I decided that I will pause on getting the stent if Dr. Fargon suggests it–which my appointment with him is now the 1st week of April. We have a big move coming up in May/June and I wouldn’t feel comfortable lifting furniture right after a stent placement. So I will just have the evaluation done for now.

I think I misrepresented the condition of my left jugular post surgery in my previous comment. It had been a while since I looked at the post-styloidectomy ultrasound results and I sort of chocked it up as my jugular closed. However, it is a bit more complicated. I just reviewed the ultrasound results and it indicates:

  • The pulse velocities in my left jugular decreased significantly at the sternocleidomastoid post surgery, but there is a significant increase on the left side at the jugular foreman and base of the neck.

  • The pulse velocities in my right jugular decreased in the lower neck though remained elevated post styloidectomy and became elevated in the upper neck (pre-styloidectomy the upper neck was normal).

  • The ultrasound report stated that “no stenosis was detected maybe due to technique or more proximal stenosis in the head”

So I believe Hepworth needs Fargen to evaluate my neck jugulars and the sinuses in my skull?

Regarding my muscle tightness, you all have reminded me to keep stretching them, so thank you! :smiley:

PatientD, I will keep dry needling and botox injections in mind to ask about in my upcoming appointments. I am currently prescribed cyclobenzaprine, which helps relax my neck muscles and helps with my insomnia.

vdm, I’ll try to remember to ask Fargen what he knows about retrievable stents. Very cool video!


I hope that your move goes well, and let us know how you are going forward :hugs:

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@chbugo - It sounds like you have a good plan in place regarding postponing the stent surgery but continuing w/ the consult as planned. Please let us know what Dr. Fargen says as we’re here to support you however you need.

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@chbugo Hello! I’m also new here and will also be seeing Dr Fargen soon. How did your appointment go? I hope your move went well. Just as @PatientD mentioned, some people get botox injections in their SCM muscles to help with the IJV issues, and I am one of them. It initially helped delay me having to get surgery right away, but it has been two years and it is no longer effective at keeping my symptoms at bay. So between physical therapy, botox injections, medications (I take Brilinta, Lasix, and Topomax…among others), and NUCCA, I’m at an impasse now with surgery being my only option. My most current venogram shows that I too will most likely need a stent, which is why I’m curious how your appointment went. I’m hoping that you had a reasonable outcome. I know how difficult this can be and I send strength to you and your partner.


Hi @mamaleah30! Sorry for the delay. We moved at the beginning of the month and we are still unpacking things… man now I remember now why I hate moving haha.

I’m sorry to hear that you may also need a stent. Have you had a styloidectomy already? Please let me know how it goes for you.

I saw Dr. Fargen in North Carolina in April and he performed a cerebral angiogram and venogram on me to look at the flow in my left and right jugulars and measure pressure gradients. I was sedated on my back but awake during the procedure, so I could communicate to Dr. Fargen any symptoms during. I could also see my scan on a very large TV next to me and could watch the contrast flow though my venous system as Dr. Fargen inject contrast.

During the procedure he had me orient my head and neck in the neutral, rotated left, rotated right, and chin-tucked positions and measured the pressures at each position. My results showed that I had high pressure gradients in my right and left jugulars when I rotated my head in either direction with the highest gradients occurring in my right jugular, which I have not had a styloidectomy on.

He also performed a provocative test by applying a strong injection of contrast above C1 in each jugular with my head in a neutral position to try to briefly increase the pressure and replicate symptoms. He did this on my right and left jugulars. I felt no significant sensation when he did it on my right jugular, but felt pain behind my left ear when he performed this maneuver on my left jugular. In addition, when he applied the contrast on my left side I could see the contrast unable to drain through my left jugular and instead redirect back up through my ventricles in my skull and subsequently drain out the right jugular. I had a left-side styloidectomy April 2023.

I’ve copied the conclusions from my procedure below, but in short Fargen recommended a stent be placed in the left jugular to improve the flow on the left side. I opted not to have it placed for the time being since we had the move coming up and I am still a bit weary of the long term effects of the stent. If I opted he could have placed the stent within a day or two of the scan. In addition, my symptoms overall felt slightly better while in N.C. (I resided in Denver). I let Fargen know this and he said he has had many patients who visit from high elevation states say they feel better when they come down to sea level. So that was another factor why I decided to wait on the stent, since I just moved to Houston.

I also saw Dr. Hepworth earlier this month to discuss the results of Fargen’s tests. He recommended I have a right styloidectomy and jugular decompression performed due to the high gradients recorded in the right jugular. He also recommended the surgically removing some of my SCM and/or scalenes on that side to free the jugular. I am hesitant to have a right side styloidectomy, though since most of my symptoms (aside from the head pressure, brain fog, and insomnia) has been on my left side and also because my left jugular does not seem to be draining that well after the left-side styloidectomy. Hepworth says we can test his theory about a right side fix, by seeing if a botox injection into the right SCM and scalenes temporarily resolves remaining symptoms. I will opt to get this done once we are a little more settled.

Both Fargen and Hepworth agree that the cause of my stenosis is primarily compression from my neck muscles rather than the styloid/C1 since the gradients are higher when I rotate my neck, though they both have different opinions on the solution (and of each others solution :joy:)

The conclusions from my cerebral angiogram and venogram procedure with Dr. Fargen are below. I do have to say that it was extremely informational and I recommend getting the cerebral angiogram and venogram work up done by him even if you do not want a stent. Also, I really enjoyed Dr. Fargen, the time he dedicated to me during the appointments, and his scientific approach to his stenting treatment. He really is pioneering jugular vein stenting and is slowly improving the technique. I think with more time to learn the long term effects and develop best placement techniques jugular stents could be a very viable solution. He was very transparent and open about how his treatment is still considered “experimental”. I will try to upload some documents describing his practice that I received during my visit.

1. Normal cerebral arteriogram without aneurysm or arteriovenous fistula.
2. There is no stenosis of the dominant, right transverse-sigmoid sinus venous outflow pathway. The left transverse-sigmoid sinus pathway is non-dominant. Venous sinus stenting is unlikely to provide benefit.
3. There is mild stenosis of the right internal jugular vein at C1 in the neutral position without an associated pressure gradient. There is no significant dilatation of suboccipital venous plexus collaterals. Provocative testing in the jugular bulb did not acutely worsen symptoms. There is severe rotational stenosis of the right internal jugular vein at C1 with leftward head rotation (2 mmHg gradient), occlusive rotational stenosis at C4-7 with rightward head rotation (14 mmHg gradient), and occlusive dynamic stenosis at C1-2 with head flexion (8 mmHg gradient).
4. There is moderate-severe stenosis of the left internal jugular vein at C1-3 in the neutral position with an 1 associated mmHg pressure gradient. There is pathological dilatation of suboccipital venous plexus collaterals. Provocative testing in the jugular bulb acutely worsened symptoms, suggesting that this stenosis may be a causative site for a component of the patient's daily symptoms. There is severe rotational stenosis of the left internal jugular vein at C1 with rightward head rotation (3 mmHg gradient), occlusive rotational stenosis at C2-7 with leftward head rotation (7 mmHg gradient), and severe dynamic stenosis at C1-4 with head flexion (5 mmHg gradient).
5. Mild elevation of central cerebral venous pressures (17 mmHg) with elevated central venous pressures (11-13 mmHg).

Dr. Fargen’s treatment rationale:
Fargen 2022-compressed.pdf (2.0 MB)

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Wake Forest Surgical Treatment of IIH:
WF IIH Fargen Surgical Treatment.pdf (6.3 MB)

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Also, in case you have not read this yet:


Very interesting information, @chbugo. Thank you for sharing your situation in so much detail. It will be helpful to others who are considering seeing Dr. Fargen for vascular outflow issues.

The two articles you linked are also really interesting.

I’m glad you’ve moved to a lower altitude & I hope it helps your IJV symptoms settle some. I also hope that what Dr. Hepworth is proposing for testing to see if a right styloidectomy & IJV decompression is helpful.

I assume in the second sentence of the quote above you meant decompression not dissection. I can edit your post to correct it if you aren’t able to. :blush:

Good catch. I made the correction. Thanks!


Thank you for such a detailed reply! I have read everything you mentioned and it seems that you and I are both dealing with very similar situations. I had a styloidectomy on my left side in 2022, and initially it helped. However, now, both IJV are compressed with complete occlusion on my left side. I’ve been getting botox in my SCM since a few months after my styloidectomy as we were hoping to see if that helped when some of my symptoms returned, which it does help lesson some of them, the dizziness and constant nausea, but the compression is still there and my left IJV is fully occluded and the botox is really only acting as a bandaid now. In July I had both of those procedures done in Minnesota and am well aware of the pain with moving your head when you have a blocked vein. I was shaking from it. After both of those tests it was suggested that I see Dr Fargen, which will happen next month, since Dr Hepworth was not taking any new patients. Similar to you, most of my symptoms are on the left side, with numbness, tingling, pain, and vertigo if I look left being the most annoying. I’m really not looking forward to redoing those tests since I already know how painful they are, but since Dr Fargen requires he perform all diagnostic procedures himself before moving ahead, I must comply in order to hopefully live a more functional life in the future. I’ve also been told that having my scalene and SCM muscles shaved might help; I guess we’ll see what Dr Fargen thinks and go from there. Since you are another patient stating how difficult stents can be, I guess I’m more inclined to possibly do those rather than a stent, considering I haven’t seen many others who have had them. It does give me some reassurance that Dr Fargen has so much consideration for patients. I also have Ehlers Danlos and my doctor told me that Dr Fargen has seen a lot of patients with that, which relieves a bit of that anxiety. I’m quite anxious all together, honestly, but I have hope that things will become more clear when I meet him next month. Thank you again for everything you’ve linked for me to look at. Good luck to you if you try the botox, I hope it’s helpful for you.


I’m glad that you’re able to see Dr Fargen and hope he’s able to suggest the best treatment for you- let us know how you get on :crossed_fingers:

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I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through @mamaleah30, but am also glad you’ll be landing in the very capable hands of Dr. Fargen. We’ve heard so many good things about him on this forum! I hope he helps you tremendously.

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