Hi fellow Eagles friends! Need some tips!

Hello Everyone! I just had my second stylo surgery with repaired ligament yesterday. I’m doing wayyy better this time around so keep that in mind for anyone having upcoming second side done! Sorry i didnt get a sec to post before surgery but the robotics became available on Monday and i was booked for yesterday’s surgery schedule so things went pretty quick. It was a non bleeding, no complications surgery. My medical team scoped my first surgery side as that was done last July and everything is healing really well according to my surgeon. I’m home and doing well. Any tips on 1. Easing the throat congestion post intubation and 2. how to get regularity back would be so welcome! Also, if anyone has a CBD balm brand used for face would be great. Hope all of you are doing well! Candi


I highly recommend any products from a company called Elixinol

I will research them. Thanks so much!

@CwM - What great news that your surgery went so well, & you’re feeling so much better already! Can you remind me who did your surgery? Was it someone on our Doctors List?

For your throat, sucking on ice chips or popsicles can help just as icing your neck can help w/ transcervical surgery. I assume since you had robotic surgery that yours was done intraorally. There are also sprays or lozenges such as Cepacol that are OTC & numb the throat.

Regarding “regularity” which is robbed by opioid pain meds, I used Calm - Magnesium citrate powder which comes plain or flavored. It’s added to warm water & makes a fizzy drink. I liked it because I could titrate it to the strength that worked best for me. If you don’t mind the chemical varieties of laxatives & stool softeners, there are quite a number of OTC varieties at most pharmacies. Benefiber is a popular one that can be added to any warm beverage w/o changing its taste or texture.

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That all sounds great! I’ll try the numbing spray and ice chips… my surgery was with robotics but done externally not intra. I don’t think my surgeon is on the list but he is leaving to go begin a new practice out of state. I can ask him if he would like being added to the list on Monday when i have my follow-up, definitely! He is Dr. Daniel Hawkins, oral and maxofacial surgeon. I’m his first Eagles patient and he’s done more of these since me as well. He’s amazing, 12+ stars for excellent bedside manner, has never questioned me or wavered. He’s very knowledgeable of everything involving face and neck, monitoring nerves, and proper medications. He made my styloids little tiny nubs instead of to the skull base and rounded them smooth. He repaired the ligaments, both of mine had calcified. He’s just one of those one in a million and I was blessed to have him as my medical leader. There is one other surgeon in the VCU practice who also works with Eagles so I’ll ask him also. VCU has been a godsend and everyone there is super kind and attentive. I cant recommend it enough. Im going to tey all your suggestions. I actually have the Calm here and didnt even know it could help that way so I’ll be trying it tonight. Thank you!!!


I’m glad your surgery was external. I think you’re our first member to have robotic external surgery. Thank you for asking Dr. Hawkins & the other doctor about being added to our Doctors List. If you know what state Dr. Hawkins is moving to, & he’s willing to be added to our list, I’ll put him in the correct state. It’s really great to know what good care you received at VCU. It would be great to have more doctors on our list for your state.


So pleased that your surgery is done & hope that you recover well! :bouquet:

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