I have this constant itch on the right side of throat where this bone thingy is (lol) it doesn’t go away. It itches then triggers a sneeze if not multiple. People always ask me, “are you sick?” I have taken allergy pills, but it didn’t help. Cough syrup helps for a few hours. Any suggestions? The doctor prescribed something, but for some reason (I think the insurance didn’t cover it) I wasn’t able to pick it up. It is always tender there too. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Hi shale98408,
An itch is a low grade pain i.e. it’s not bad enough to hurt yet, but bad enough to be symptomatic. A sore throat is one of the telltale symptoms of ES so you are blessed to only have an itchy throat. Interesting that it causes you to sneeze, and I’m sorry you haven’t really found a good method to stop the itch. As odd as it may sound, a pain medication might help more than an allergy medication. You could start w/ something OTC like Advil or Tylenol if you can tolerate either. You could also try gargling w/ warm salt water or ice cold water to see if either of those help for any length of time. There are also nerve pain meds that might help, but most come with side effects. I suspect that any remedy you try short of surgery will only give you temporary relief. Some people have had ultrasound guided injections of steroids & lidocaine combined to help reduce pain from ES until surgery is scheduled. That would help the tenderness.
Most likely the cause is your glossopharyngeal or vagus nerve which are two of the cranial nerves often affected by ES. Getting your styloid removed will most likely make a huge difference.
Thank you. I am not sure if it is a canker sore, but that spot where the growth is, is in constant
pain/ irritation. I’m scheduled to go see an ENT.
Hi shale98408,
Your throat pain is likely nerve pain but could be a sore of some sort if the styloid is putting excessive pressure in that area of your throat. An ENT should be able to determine that.
Just a heads up: Not all ENTs are familiar w/ ES & many who are, are dismissive of surgery as a cure. The evidence on this forum speaks loudly to that fact that is a misconception. A skilled & knowledgeable skull based ENT surgeon can do wonders by removing your styloid(s) &/or calcified s-h ligament(s). The surgery recovery takes awhile but once the nerves &/or vascular tissues begin healing you’ll get your life back. I speak from experience along w/ many others on this forum.