Jugular Vein Compression

That is what I was asked to do also.

Thank you Jules. And thank you very much for the advice.

Hi Colie3387,

Some doctors do require in person consults while others will do video consults. I think there are doctors who consider the prospective patient’s location when an appt is made & will base type of appt on that. For example, Dr. Samji & Dr. Cognetti both do video/phone consults, but I think Dr. DeLacure in NYC requires an in person consult.

Hi Henry!

I’m so glad your appt is very soon! I’ll put your surgery date on my calendar & will also be praying for you (& Dr. Hackman) then.


Thank you Isaiah. This has been an agonisingly long ordeal. I just hope this next chapter ends it. And I will be praying that for Dr Hackman also.

Hi Henry,

I was in your age group when I was diagnosed w/ ES. I totally understand how you feel. We need to be living out our “golden years” in good health & actively! I saw in your profile that you’re a dog lover. So am I though we’re w/o dogs right now. You need your health & energy to be able to keep up w/ “man’s best friend” for sure!

Having bilateral ES surgery was the best possible choice for me. I was 58 when when I had my surgeries. I am a “wanna be” athlete & am very active, but ES took that away from me. I jumped back into my activities a bit too fast after my first surgery which I suspect slowed my healing so I took it easier after my second one. At about 2 months post op, I had my energy back & was able to do most of the things I loved though it did take close to a year after each surgery for my nerves to recover.

Healing is a process that goes forward & backward & forward again. Please expect that & don’t become discouraged when you have bad days following good days as you recover. Dr. Hackman is an accomplished surgeon. I expect you’ll do very well & have a good outcome once you’re fully healed.


Thank you Isaiah. I was quite fit and extremely active both professionally and socially when this hit me at 58. In retrospect, I had symptoms that were progressive - got worse and worse over about 5 years but I ignored them. For the last 2 years I have been disabled. Professional and social things have been impossible for me. Have been existing in a kind of solitary place since—as I am sure many on this site can relate to. I only found out about my ES in early October. This surgery is almost a matter of desperation. I pray that Dr Hackman has the knowledge and skill to help. And I am grateful for the kindness of so many on this site—yourself included. Henry.


Hi Henry

Sorry to hear of your suffering

Unfortunately there are huge delays on the nhs, so I reckon I won’t be having the angio for atleast another 6 mths :sleepy:

Seems like Dr Hackman is being very thorough and proactive which is great

Would it be possible to see your ctv at your areas of compression? Always great to compare

I don’t know how much longer I can cope with these symptoms. It’s all getting too much

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I am so sorry to hear your story, it parallels mine. Grateful your have surgery scheduled very soon, just hold on! My styloids were impacting my IJV’s dramatically (and carotid artery on one side) as well. Having them removed has been VERY helpful!

Given your long long wait :sob: do you by any chance have access to a hyperbaric chamber? This might help mitigate your symptoms … just a thought :two_hearts:

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Just breathe, am wondering if you had tinnitus/headnoise and whether it resolves after surgery. Thank you. Henry.

Oh, Natty! I’m so sorry to hear about another long wait for you. I’m still feeling frustrated (but not as much as you are!) about Mr. Axon’s dismissal of your case. I find that unbelievable in some ways. I am praying for you to be able to get help sooner than later. Your symptoms are scary, & I know debilitating. You need to have good health back so you can enjoy your family & your life.

:heart: :hugs:

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While that is a very common complaint among those with ES it was not my primary complaint and my case is complicated by severe cranial CSF leaking…so most likely not the best person to answer this for you. Sorry :pensive:

Oh. Sorry to learn of that complication. Thank you though.

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Thank you so much @Isaiah_40_31 for your kind words. I am really struggling. The spaciness and numbness in my neck and brain is just beyond. Feel like a floaty balloon detached from reality. My head just doesn’t feel right. :sleepy: hopefully seeing Axon on Friday in person will hurry my case up a little. I hope you are well and thanks once again :sparkling_heart:

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Hope your appt goes well & you keep moving up the list. Will pray that it’s a helpful trip… :hugs: :pray:

Hi, I live close to John Hopkins. Was trying to find a doctor from Hopkins. Are you sure these surgeries were put on hold. @Henry

Unfortunately yes. I was seen by Dr Ferdinand Hui (Neuroradiologist who diagnosed mine) and by Dr Peter Vosler ( head and neck surgeon). Both told me that these surgeries are on hold at Hopkins. I checked back a couple of weeks ago. No change. I should note that mine would be for venous jugular compression caused by styloids. Not other types of Eagles. I do not know if they are currently treating other types of Eagles.

I guess i have same diagnosis as yours!!

My cathether angiogram says

“Severe stenosis of the left internal jugular vein at the C1-C2 level resulting in a prominent collateral flow via condylar veins and paraspinal venous plexus plexus. This likely explains the patient’s left pulsatile tinnitus.”

Doctor thinks stylohynoid bone compression of jugular vein.

What is your next steps.

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For the record, Hopeful155, prior to COVID, our members who’ve tried to find an ES surgeon at Johns Hopkins have been turned away being told ES wasn’t recognized as a legitimate problem. Henry is our first member who had an even slightly promising story abt JH. It would be great to add someone from that hospital to our list of doctors once an ES surgery is done by someone there.

Hopeful: I am heading to UNC on Dec 4 for bilateral styloid removal. Dr Hackman. I am hopeful ! I am concerned that my veins —particularly the right jugular— may not open. I plan on going back to Hopkins to see Dr Hui after this surgery for follow up.

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