Just diagnosed yesterday - need advice & ideas

Everyone’s situation is different. I live driving distance to Dr Samji so I met him a few weeks prior and then just stayed in SJ overnight after the surgery. Then returned 4 days later for post op check up

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I had my style I’d removed on left side last year. Went to surgeon for procedure but a great ent made the diagnosis. My upper lip was affected by not being able to move it. Physically had to raise it when eating. After several months it went back to normal. Was told it was nerves affected from surgery. I really wasn’t that upset with it and more relieved that the horrible es symptoms were gone.

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Sorry about spelling since my tablet has a mind of its own. The word is styloid.

I had surgery monday at the university of minnesota and I agree you have to find someone with experience… the nerve doesnt have to be permanently damaged. I had the styloid process and ligament removed. They stretched a nerve to get to it and the nerve will go back to normal within a few weeks. They also found my tongue nerve was caught in the ligament and successfully removed that with no complications

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That’s great news, Cadeley! My tongue nerve (hypoglossal) was wrapped around my right styloid & had to be unwrapped so I ended up w/ the right side of my tongue partially paralized for about 9 months. I talked like I was drunk & had to manually move food that got over on the right side to the left side when I was eating. It was annoying & humorous at the same time. I could feel my tongue just the motor part of it didn’t work. Even with that problem having the other ES symptoms gone made it all worthwhile!!

I am 3 weeks post-op bilateral intraoral. I think i had taste buds for one week and then i got mouth thrush and everything then taste like metal. now the metal taste is gone , but still no taste to anything. Anybody go thru this too.
thank you, have great day.

I didn’t have a problem with this- but hopefully someone else can give you some advice/ encouragement. Hopefully it’s just the nerves all a bit irritated and it will soon improve.

Hi Shaw, enjoy reasoning your posts and candour. Can you share who did your (better) surgeries? Thank you Vicky