My problems with ES, C1 and SCM are causing compression on IJV

@tesla001 - You have obviously done a good job of researching your situation using the scans you have & reading the information available here & elsewhere. Your styloids are extremely long. It’s hard to tell if your styloids are contributing to your IJV compression but it is clear that C1 is a problem. Just because your radiology report doesn’t mention the styloids causing IJV compression doesn’t mean they aren’t. We have many members whose radiology reports have not been thorough & have left out important information such as that.

I feel strongly that it would be good for you to contact the doctor in Turkey & send your scans there & discuss your IJV compression with him to get his opinion & find out whether or not he feels he can help you. You won’t know if he does IJV decompression/C1 shaving or perhaps knows another doctor that could assist him who does unless you ask.

Based on your comment that you have a “Frequent runny nose, activates spontaneously and is short-lived, and sometimes several days in large quantities of liquid.” I am concerned that you may have a CSF leak. When you get these runny noses, do you get a metallic or salty taste in your mouth? If so, that can indicate a CSF leak which can be the result of high intracranial hypertension especially if it’s gone on for a long time (5 yrs is a long time!). This is all the more reason that you should discuss your situation with the doctor in Turkey as there may be resources there to help you get everything taken care of in one surgery since you are not finding help in your country.

I applaud you for being very proactive in finding physical therapies & medications that help reduce your symptoms when the medical doctors have not been helpful to you. This speaks highly of your determination to keep functioning at the highest possible level even with the debilitating symptoms you have. In the US we would call you “one tough cookie!” That’s a compliment that says you are dealing with many difficult health problems but are fighting back and working hard to overcome them. You are not letting them get the best of you.

Is Dr. Aghayev ( ) the doctor you contacted in Turkey? If so. @gramos just posted this information today -


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