New Here, Possible Vascular Eagle Syndrome


Because of the number of cranial nerves which can be affected by ES, there are a vast number of symptoms that can show up which all seem unrelated. I could see w/ your family history how your symptoms could be diagnosed as a sensory processing issue, but it’s possible that you don’t have that problem because of the multitude of possible symptoms ES causes.

There is a series of videos on YouTube called Two Minute Neuroscience. There is one two minute video for each of the cranial nerves. If you’d like to further educate yourself (& maybe your doctors) you could spend 10-15 min. & watch those. The nerves we know can be affected are the facial, trigeminal, spinal accessory, glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, & vagus nerves. We suspect the vestibulocochlear may also be a victim. Here is the link to the facial nerve video:

Additionally, @Jules post ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them also contains much information about the cranial nerves & their influence on ES symptoms when they’re irritated.