New Here, Possible Vascular Eagle Syndrome

@KimberlyNYC - It’s great to hear from you since it’s been awhile. Did you have surgery yet? I wouldn’t worry about catching up on posts. Just jump into any current threads of interest to you when you feel up to it.

Thank you for the LMNT suggestion. I have also tried that electrolyte. I used it some during training & during a trail half marathon on a very hot day, & it dehydrated me. I think it has too much sodium for my body, however, if those of you who suffer from POTS need extra sodium, it will definitely fit the bill. Just try it cautiously until you know your body is ok with it. I would also suggest diluting it a little more than the individual packages suggest.

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Have not yet had surgery; more on that in a separate post.
Excellent advice about not trying to catch up. Thank you!

Thanks for sharing your experience with LMNT. It’s always good to be reminded that nothing is universally effective. My neuro, cardiologist, and an internist who more regularly manages my POTS all recommended LMNT as the preferred, well-balanced brand. I had tried many other electrolytes. I was relieved that I could tolerate - and even enjoy - LMNT. (I do dilute it more than recommended but I use 2-3 packets/day + a lot of salt added to food. The sky is literally the limit with me and salt.)


I’m sorry your symptoms are so bad. Are you considering surgery for ES? I recall in your earlier discussions you were going in for a consult.

Lucky you re: salt! I have to watch salt intake because I have Meniere’s Disease, & too much salt makes symptoms flare & can cause a vertigo attack. Sigh…I still eat more than I should sometimes. :upside_down_face:

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Thank you for your advice! I did get a diagnosis of POTs today from a cardiologist. He wasn’t familiar with eagle but said he would look into it. Since seeing your last post, I found nuun and picked up some liquid IV, so I’m just figuring out what works. I’m concerned about jugular compression with my eagle syndrome, but no doctors seem concerned.

That doesn’t sound very good, but I’m glad you’ll be getting accommodations in the future. I’m an esthetician, and the cardiologist I saw today said it didn’t sound like a great profession for someone with POTs with all the sitting down and standing up. So far, it hasn’t bothered me.

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I’ll have to try compression socks when I run next time. I miss running without getting a pounding headache and being exhausted afterward. Do you also have POTs, or are all your symptoms a result of eagle?

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Thank you! I’ll check them out. I have visual snow syndrome, so I get light sensitivity.

I don’t have POTs but I’ve had a couple of head injuries & have Meniere’s Disease which both mess w/ my equilibrium at times. My ES symptoms are mostly gone since my surgeries in 2014/15. I am so thankful for that!!

Depending on what you wear to work, compression socks might be helpful in reducing your POTs symptoms as well. It’s just that they’re not “cute” though some brands of running compression knee highs come in fun colors & patterns. I can make recommendations if you want. They are a challenge to put on, but there’s even a proper technique for that. :blush:

BTW, visual snow can be a symptom of IJV compression.

I’ve also tried Nuun, but couldn’t get used to it being fizzy. Guess I’m too picky. :rofl:

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That’s good to hear. At least the throat and ear pain will hopefully go away! I’m glad your eagle symptoms cleared up.

I found some cute-ish ones, but I may have to adjust my style or design some if I can find a way.

Hopefully, the Eagle syndrome is what’s causing the snow, too.