Shame you can’t post your scans, but it’s not always the length of styloids which cause symptoms, but the thickness of them & also the angle, so they could possibly be to blame. If it’s not ES causing the jugular compression, it could be from a larger than normal cervical process, or even a very tight digastric muscle.
It’s impossible to say exactly what symptoms are down to ES, especially when people have other neck issues as well (lots of us here do, or jaw issues), but certainly if the vagus nerve is compressed it can cause digestive issues. The head pressure could well be from the jugular compression, although usually it would increase with exercise. The military neck & cervical instability won’t help, it could be that they’re worsening the angle of the styloids.
@TheDude has recently had revision surgery; he’s posted some good info about his recovery & also neck issues which you might find interesting, here’s a link:
Made it to California - Surgery on Monday – and Follow up - General / Eagle Syndrome Stories - Living with Eagle
There have been quite a few discussions about military neck & cervical instability, so you could use the search function to read up on those if you want to find out more…
Several of us have had autoimmune issues as well as ES; I have dry eyes & mouth too, & this started at the same time as my ES flared up. My personal belief is that maybe the inflammation caused by ES triggered an auto immune condition. The trigeminal nerve can be affected by ES, & the does innervate the mucous secreting gland of the eyes & mouth too, so that’s potentially another cause.
Dr Hepworth is very experienced, especially with vascular ES, so if you are able to see him, he’s very thorough, & members speak well of him. If it is ES, the only real cure is surgery unfortunately.
I hope this helps a bit!