Does he even know what Eagles is. The best thing to tell him is "Elongated calcified styloid and or stylohyoid process" because most ENT"S do not know what Eagles is. It is a syndrome named after a doctor who discovered it. However, all ENT"s know the anatomy. I would start there when discussing it. I hope you have a CT Scan to provide to him.
The only other questions would be. What do you know about It? Have you had any patients with it? Have you done any surgeries for it? If so were they intra oral or external.
The intra oral surgery is similar to a tonsillectomy, the other is from the outside. I think you should become informed before doing anything drastic like allowing a doctor to operate.
Normally, this is not life threatening, but it is painful. Most drugs including steroid injections do not help. Pain Killers sometimes help but you can't stay on them long term.
However, many of us have had the pain for years. The best thing for your daughter is to seek out the best possible doctor and one that you have proof has done several successful surgeries. We are all pretty happy with three doctors Dr. Cognettti in Philadelphia, PA . Dr Samji in San Jose, CA, and Dr Forrest in Ohio. Those are the ones that our members have reported as doing successful surgeries on them and that these doctors are also concerned and knowledgable.
There are others, I have a spreadsheet that I will try to attach to give you some other possibilities.
Please do not rush into a surgery with just any ENT. This surgery is tricky and can be botched and can leave your daughter in serious pain. Surgery is the ultimate solution, but it is not always successful. We try to up the odds for success by finding the most experienced surgeons. And most of us feel a lot better after surgery. Some of us do not have 100% relief all the time.
The problem is that this process is tangled in the intracranial sheath with several very important nerves and the carotid artery. The pain is neurological and it can be permanent if the nerves are damaged. Usually, however, we all feel significantly better after surgery even if not 100%. I hope this helps you to get started.
I can't load the spreadsheet. If you look for the discussion "Spreadsheet update September 2013" I think it is Sept 13 or Sept 18 2013, you will find an attached spreadsheet.