Not Diagnosed / Looking for symptom confirmation

Thank you! I finally had my baby on the 18th and thankfully have felt around 80% better. I still have some sort of swelling on the floor of my mouth and can feel the very uncomfortable poking feeling when I swallow although a lot better. Jaw pain is still there and some days causes pain in my teeth. Still very convinced it’s ES due to feeling it poke through below my jaw and also feeling pain and immediately going inside my mouth to the hard bony protrusion. Wondering which route would be my best bet to getting diagnosed. From my understanding I need a CT without contrast? But also curious as to which type of doctor would be my best bet considering I don’t want to get a run around (although I am sure I will). I don’t believe the ENT I saw a few times while pregnant has any idea really about ES and he seems to just think I’m a hypochondriac :roll_eyes:


Congratulations :hugs: :sparkling_heart: I hope you’re getting some sleep! Good that you’re feeling a bit better…You’re right that a CT without contrast (unless you had vascular symptoms in which case one with contrast is better) is the best scan to get diagnosed with. To save wasted time & travelling, we suggest that you see someone on our list who would be aware of ES, here’s a link:
Doctor Lists – no discussion - Symptoms and Treatments / Doctor Information - Living with Eagle
You can search for any doctors names in the past discussions to see who’s seen the different docs.
Best wishes & God bless you & your little one :bouquet:

Hooray! Congrats happy new mama!! I’m not surprised that your symptoms have lessened as hormonal influence can exacerbate symptoms of ES. Since your hormones are shifting around now, that may be part of the reason you feel a bit better.

Dr. Bunnell is a good choice in your state though I don’t know if he’s anywhere near you. He has a great reputation & has helped several of our members over the last couple of years.


I feel a whole lot better but am still experiencing jaw pain along with salivary gland swelling. I went to a TMJ dentist and he was super kind and helpful in that regards. He thinks I may have a salivary stone but he said that I’d need to find an ENT or oral surgeon who could confirm. He did some panoramic X-rays. Figured I’d attach them here for opinions. Not sure if my styloids look to be in normal range from this? Also know I really need to get a CT scan for best confirmation.

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The styloids do look quite angled & pointy, that can cause symptoms as well as the length, especially the right one (left in the image). If you think you might have a salivary stone, try sucking lemon sweets, the sharpness should stimulate saliva & might help shift it. I think somewhere on here there was a link to a YouTube video about salivary gland massage, you could try googling that otherwise…I’ve had them occasionally, it was partly why I was referred to a clinic & got the ES diagnosis, others have had them too.

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I totally agree w/ Jules about your styloids. Remember, it’s not just length that plays into ES symptoms. Shorter but more angled, pointed, twisted, or thick styloids can also cause symptoms.

I agree and will definitely be getting a scan to confirm/figure out where my symptoms are coming from. I was looking at my panoramic X-ray again and I’m just curious if this is anything? I only noticed it when I zoomed in closely and it’s only on right side.

Hey, your symptoms seem similar to mine. I had my surgery 3 months ago. Did u ever have a lot of clicking in your neck when nodding or clicking in your ears when speaking? I was hoping it would all be gone after surgery but it’s not and I’m hoping it will resolve with time. Also 3 months post surgery I’m still very sore in my neck area around the hyoid bone. The surgery with Dr. Hackman was worth it. I no longer have the same pain as before and hoping with time the muscle pain will resolve. The clicking noises still really bother me and I was wondering if anyone else had that and it went away.

Thank u

Hey, yeah I was sore for quite a while. Behind my ear was tender for longer than three months. It took me a solid year maybe even longer for my symptoms to really resolve. I honestly don’t get headaches like that anymore at all, and don’t get dizzy anymore. I consider my surgery a full success. I didn’t really experience clicking or cracking before related to my ES, but I do now have a lot of clicking in my neck and have been diagnosed with “military neck” (neck is too straight, basically) as well as cervical instability. That does cause me quite a bit of clicking and cracking. I also have TMJ which makes my jaw click sometimes. My doctor thinks all of it is related to MCAS and EDS which both affect connective tissue. I would say give it more time, three months is not very long in the scheme of the recovery for this condition. I also did physical therapy and massage following my surgery that seemed to help some. Hang in there!


So pleased that the surgery was successful for you @blossom ! Thank you for coming back to answer questions :grinning:
@KCarey as others have said it is still early days in your healing process, I’m glad you’re seeing improvements in some areas…Clicking in your ears when you’re talking could be a pressure imbalance, just a guess but unless you’ve got blocked ears or had an ear infection it could be one of the nerves in the area has been irritated by the surgery; the vestibulocochlear nerve can be affected by ES. Otherwise some members have had jaw trouble after surgery from being intubated, that might be causing some clicking sounds?
The soreness from your hyoid area could be if looked into if you still have this later on, it might be that there’s a bit of calcified ligament left, hopefully is just nerves still healing though :pray:


Thank u for the response, the clicking I hear happens around my hyoid bone or sometimes below my ear and sounds like muscles or ligaments clicking if I nod my head. It loosens up some if I stretch good. Is it normal for the muscles in the top of my neck and under jaw/ hyoid area to still be numb and feel very tight and sore still 3 months out? I have been trying to stretch a lot every day.

Yes, it’s normal for muscles & skin in the area of the incision, neck & under jaw to still be numb. Mine took nearly a year to “wake up”, & I had interesting sensations of tingling, cooling, & flushing in those areas as the nerves recovered. Burning & pain zaps are also normal during nerve recovery.

Tenderness can last for quite a number of months, too. I don’t recall when I stopped feeling tender, but doing gentle finger tip massage w/ a little Bio Oil, coconut oil, Vit. E oil, or lotion along the incision & surrounding muscles several times a day can be helpful in reducing pain & stimulating nerve recovery. As @Jules recently reminded someone, something as soft & light as a feather can be used to stroke the surface of the numb areas to stimulate nerve healing.