I still have some problems with my diagnosis. Because I had neck fusion doctors seem to be confused about my symtoms. My cervical spine is not in the best shape, that's true, I got C-5/C-6 fused, but my neurosurgeon said that there is nothing more to do. At the same time he said that is impossible that I have neck pain beacause of elongated styloid.
So I have really important questions, maybe someone could give me some proffesional knowledge and share some experience.
1. Does any of you had only neck pain caused by eagle syndrome, without jaw pain, or ear pain etc.?
( I have a direct spot on my neck where the pain is localised, please check the photo, I marked it. When I am touching it sometimes pain goes up to my forehead )
2. Does any of you had lazy eye beacause of that? I have something like Arnold Syndrome ( that's what my physiotherapist said ). Sometimes I have one sided headaches , pain behind my eyes and that kind of things. My lazy eye is not all the time, I can noticed that when I quicly close my right eye and than open it and there it is for a moment. I also have some tingling on the right side of my head, from the back to forehead, near to my right eye. My neurologist said that it might be something to do with tregiminal nerve but he think that have nothing to do with my elongated styloid.
3. Does any of you had cracking sound in the back of their skull? I am still confused if it's instability of upper part of my spine or elongated styloid, but this sound is on the same side that my calcified ligament is and I just have a feeling that it's causing all my symptoms. ( I'm just irritated by doctors who asking me if I have throat pain, jaw pain, excessive salivation - I don't have those symptoms ). It is similar sound to clicking in the joints. Is it possible that my elongated styloid touches some other bone structures, like for example my spine?
4. Hyperacusis. Does any of you had that? I almost don't have it now, so I'm really confused if it was beacause of instability in my neck or after the neck surgery and now it's gone ( sometime I still have problem with that ) or what?
5. I wonder if during the surgery (if I will have one ) they remove the whole ligament? If so how I will live without this ligament, wich is important muscle in the neck and near throat. Or maybe they only remove the part of calcifed ligament, wich is actually a bone now, and separate it from the healthy part of ligamnent?
6. Basically I have these symptoms:
- Headaches
- One sided headaches
- Pain behind my eye ( sometimes both eyes )
- sometimes a little bit of numbness or tingling, or strange feeling like someone pinched my skin on my forehead, sometimes nose, and back of my head, generally on my right side
- occasionally numbness ( or maybe that's not even a numbness, it's more like something disturb sense deep in my throat and near to my tongue ) in my throat, or strange feeling of numbness of my skin in front of my neck
- hyperacusis ( now it's almost ok, but still not normal, and the important thing is that my ears are copletly fine )
- I don't have feeling of a strange body in my throat but I think I have this kind of feeling in the back my skull, in the neck.
7. Last qestion is about your experience with eagke syndrome. I hear all the time from many doctors that it's imposible that my symptoms are beacause of that, and the elongation proces is a really long time process, while I feel it started suddenly ( I've read that it might happen after some inflamation, for example surgery in throat area. I had one 8th january 2014 ).
I will be gratefull for your help and any inforamtions.
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