Quick Update from TJ

At LOOOOOOOOONG last all of the Ben’s Friends Patient communities have the new design/format in Place. I want to thank all of you for your patience through this process. Literally hundreds of hours have been spent by volunteers all over the world (USA, Canada, UK, OZ. Philippines, Singapore, and more. There are a few more tweaks over the coming weeks especially to the mobile platforms. Aside from the visual things you see, there have been some other enhancements. Every once in awhile you may notice your site is slow to load or you may get a message in the lower left corner saying “server being resolved” Nothing is wrong. What is happening is that as a part of enhanced security, Our sites are split into several parts and on different servers in completely different parts of the world. Those parts are moved every few days to new servers. This is to insure through what you post is publicly available, none of your personal data ever is. To insure your privacy your personal data is kept in seperate parts on multiple servers. There are also multiple other privacy safeguards in place.

Though the sites LOOK different they function they same. As Seenie has said, same furniture just rearranged. But please if you have ANY problems let us know at: Modsupport@bensfriends.org Someone will get back to you. Over the next few weeks updated “how to’s” will be posted. Along with those will be a printable sheet that you can print and keep handy.

Thank you again. Hope to see you soon on the “boards”