Red Light Therapy

I saw a few post on using red light therapy for scar treatment but I was wondering if anyone has used red light therapy for the other claimed benefits.


Yes I have used red light therapy, mostly on near infrared settings, for several years. I find it is very helpful in easing pain, faster healing, cell boost/feeling better and can help move/improve stuck fluid in the body. I would not be without it in my health management tool kit. I visit therapist but also have at home treatment devices. Take care. D


Would you mind sharing what device you use for red light therapy? I am trying to address scar tissue in the area where a styloid was removed as well as from the incision scar in my neck.

My therapist uses Thor bio modulation devices. Usa have other manufacturers.

At home device is Helios. Jooov also do at home devices.

If for scar healing in small areas some of red light small devices like project e or other cosmetic red light devices (current body) for small areas might help.

For scars also suggest bio oil & gentle massage, Cica gel and dermatitis steroid cream.

Finding Vodder lymph expert with deep oscillation device (Hivamat 200) is helpful for scars/swelling. Can find therapists on website. Take care. D



I’ve been watching the reviews on this channel.

I’ve been looking at larger panels for treatment inflammation, blood flow, autoimmune issues(alopecia and rosacea) and workout recovery.

The top 3 in his 2024 video were PlatinumLED Biomax 900, Block Blue Light Mega 4.0 and Rojo Therapy Refine 900. Definitely overkill for scar treatment but he does have videos on tabletop models and there are several good brands out there.

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Good evening,

Thank you for sharing the information on red light therapy! I appreciate not having to do all the leg work on this topic. Laura

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Here’s a review paper on infrared therapy:


I decided to order a small tabletop panel and see how it goes. I’ll post my results.

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I look forward to learning from you, @stuuke. I see a functional medicine doctor periodically, & she highly recommended the Joov red lights as she’d had good experience w/ them, but the price put me off. There is a growing body of evidence that red light therapy can be very helpful in reducing symptoms & pain in various health situations.

I ended up with a small Mitoredlight. They take HSA/FSA so I was able to use some funds we had set aside for healthcare. I’ve tried just about all of the functional method stuff to help with my issues. It helps fill in the frustrating gaps waiting on doctors to reply :slight_smile: Functional medicine really seems to be ahead of traditional medicine when it comes to digestive health.

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The reason I started seeing a functional medicine doctor (she states clearly she is not a PCP but a medical resource) is because western medicine prefers to treat the symptoms rather than finding the source of a problem. I like that about Dr. Hepworth, too, though he’s functioning in the western medicine world.

An example of this is my PCP told me I have high cholesterol a couple of years ago. I said how can that be?! I exercise like a fiend & eat a very clean diet (but I am in my later 60s now & do have a hereditary predisposition…). I asked how the standards were set for deciding at what point cholesterol levels are considered high, & his response was the standards were set from some study done in the 1960s. I asked why no one has done an updated study as medical understanding has changed dramatically since the 60s. He said because of the cost to do that sort of study. His bottom line was that I needed to take a medication I didn’t want to take but w/o what I thought was a solid reason to do so. I contacted my functional med doc to discuss this, & she had me get blood testing which looked at the volume of both HDL & LDL cholesterol particles in my blood. The lab was also (don’t know how this is done) able to determine the level of cholesterol absorption by my body. Though it turns out I have more HDL cholesterol than LDL particles floating around in my blood, my body is both over producing & over absorbing the cholesterol in general. With that evidence, her argument that I take the medication was more compelling than that of my PCP.

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I’m a few weeks into using my panel. I haven’t noticed any results so far in hair growth (alopecia), sleeping or inflammation reduction. I haven’t paid much attention to scar reduction or skin traits. I also purchased a pair of Eyepower Red Light glasses and have been using those. I do notice that some of my vision issues have improved. I still have trouble with items really close but that’s mostly age related. It was acting up more before I started using the glasses.

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I have one of the table top Mito red lights. I don’t use it every day but I do notice a difference when I use it on my knees. My psoriasis on my knee is still completely clear but Low Dose Naltrexone might be responsible even though I only take it sporadically.

I have tried to use the light on my dog but cant get her to sit in front of it. So what is your verdict after using it for a few months?
I havent tried it on my jaw area. Probably should give it a try.