See How Ben's Friends Changes Lives + Double Your Impact

Campaign Update:
If you have already donated to the campaign, THANK YOU. We are well over $15,000 for the campaign and the Matching Gift Challenge is really heating up (over 20 donors have already had their donations matched).
If you want to double your impact there is still time. Donate today!

As we continue our year-end campaign, I wanted to share with you the incredible impact Ben’s Friends has on those facing rare diseases. Here are just a few testimonials from our community members:

What Ben’s Friends Means to Richard

See how Ben’s Friends changes lives - watch more of our member stories >>

Messages from Recent Donors

I’m approaching the ten year anniversary of the event that drastically changed my life. Early on, I leaned heavily on this community as I struggled with why. Now, I try to be the reason why I’m still here. I’m extremely grateful for the support and hope that those in need find Ben’s Friends! - Jeremy H.

With many thanks to the moderators of the Eagle Syndrome site and their ongoing support. Without them, I would not have found a surgeon or received necessary treatment. Their organization skills, list of medical providers and general knowledge about the syndrome is incredible and life changing. - Anonymous

Learn more about the impact that Ben’s Friends has on patients lives >>

These stories represent thousands of individuals who have found hope, understanding, and support through Ben’s Friends. Your donation can help us continue to provide this vital lifeline to those who need it most.

Remember, our matching gift challenge is still active! Every dollar you donate will be doubled, allowing you to make twice the impact. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform lives.

Donate Today

Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission to ensure no one faces a rare disease alone.

Warm regards,

Ben Munoz
Executive Director, Ben’s Friends

P.S. Your gift today will be matched dollar-for-dollar, doubling your impact. Help us reach our goal and support even more rare disease patients and their families.