Surgery in two days! Advice?

I wanted to come on here to ask those who have had surgery. If you could go back to the week after your surgery, is there anything you would change with how you went through the healing process? Or if you feel really good with how the weeks to months of recovery went, do you have suggestions for me on what I can do to best prepare? I am assuming this will cause a lot of pain for the left side of my head, where my styloid pain is actually worse even though they are doing the right styloid. I also am nervous because for 5 years my main symptoms have been shoulder pain. So, I am worried that my shoulder pain may flare up. Any tips or advice from your own personal experience would be greatly appreciated!
Also, I remember a little while ago there was a question about what nerves are monitored during ES surgery so I will make sure to ask that for you guys because I know there is someone specific during the surgery besides Dr. Hepworth monitoring them.
Lastly, just wanted to say I think I will lose my mind if I travel to Coloardo from Florida again and they cancel the surgery the day before lol… So wish me luck in being able to even get the surgery this time! Thanks again (:


Will be praying that it goes ahead smoothly for you this time!
I think thanks to the advice I’d had on here the surgery went as smoothly as it could for me both times, so nothing I’d change, except to say that we’re all different, our anatomy is, our styloids can grow at different angles, our surgeons all work slightly differently, & we all heal differently, so although we can give general advice, be prepared too that your recovery may vary to others’ and to not panic if it’s slower etc…And be prepared for ups & downs, lots of people have a good day followed by some bad ones, don’t get discouraged! Swelling is worst days 3-6, so those days may well be tougher.
Best advice is to sleep semi-upright if you’re not already, keeping propped up will help with swelling. Most people find icing regularly helps, & eating popsicles can too, although I can’t bear cold so never did! You may find chewing or opening your mouth wide is hard, so get smoothie ingredients/ soft foods ready. Keep up with the pain meds to start with, don’t try to be brave as if the pain comes back worse then it’s harder to get rid of again- although I think you’ve had surgeries before, so probably know this! And fruit or a stool softener to help with the side effects of those! Take it easy afterwards & don’t rush recovery…
Are you being driven or flying? A pillow for the journey will make you more comfy…
Hopefully others can give you more advice if I’ve forgotten anything!
God Bless, and will be praying all goes well, let us know how things go… :hugs: :pray:


Mazel tov/Congratulations! We just got the call this morning that our daughter’s surgery was moved up to this week as well! We are both excited and nervous. We are stocking up on ice cream, popsicles, soups, etc. and pillows, lots of pillows, always.

Blessings to you!


Not having had the surgery yet…but have had many other surgeries, just listen to your body! :blush:. Tired? Rest. Feeling swollen? Ice. Stay ahead on those meds! And maybe grab a 6 pack of protein shakes for the first few days. Most of all…don’t fret! You’ll do great and I’m so confident that you’ll find this was really not as worrisome as you may currently think- and as I’ve read in here, those lil buggers can cause weird symptoms at every angle so maybe getting this one out will ease the least suspecting symptoms :two_hearts:.

Many prayers for grand success and please share how you are when you feel up to it! Speaking from the side STILL waiting for a date, I’d welcome your update and any pics you’d feel comfortable sharing :blush:


Wishing your daughter the best possible success :heart:


I know for you, it probably feels like this date was slow to arrive, but it seemed fast to me since the who December debacle!! I’m glad it’s finally here. You will do great! Jules & @Tjmhawk01 gave you great information & advice.

I feel confident you’ll notice good changes after this surgery. I will be praying for you & for Dr. Hepworth tomorrow. :hugs: :pray:


So excited about your good news, NAWAS! I hope your daughter’s surgery is life changing in a very positive way. She’s been through so much for such a young person. You know what you can expect from Dr. Hepworth - great quality care. Praying for the best possible outcome. :hugs: :pray:

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Still hoping & praying your surgery gets on the schedule VERY SOON!! Keep those phone calls coming! :telephone_receiver: :phone:

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I live in FL also but had my surgery in Jacksonville at UF Health. For us FL folks, after your scar heals some, make sure you use a good high level sunscreen over the scar every time you go outside. Until the incision heals, you might want to cover it while outside only. Ask your doctor to confirm. It was in the 80s and sunny here today! Good luck and I hope you have an easy recovery and get some relief soon.


Good luck! I’m wishing all the best for you!

Honestly when you get out of surgery you will probably feel pretty numb and just fine (I did.) It was days 3-5 that were the worst but it was mostly pulling sensations and discomfort more than actual pain. I hope the same for you! The first few days I was extremely out of it but able to eat and drink and even went on some small walks. Stay on top of the pain and don’t overdo it! Ice frequently the first 48 hrs especially. I think I overdid it in my recovery and that prolonged it.

The hospital will likely give you a patch for nausea that lasts three days. When mine wore off, I did feel nauseous and I had to call the on call dr for a nausea prescription as nothing was helping really. Just be prepared for effects from anesthesia even up to day 3-4 and don’t be afraid to call the on call doc, they were very responsive and helpful even on a Saturday night. You’re in great hands! Let us know how it goes.


Thank you :pray:t3:

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That’s brilliant news, your poor daughter has been waiting long enough! Sending you best wishes & will be praying for her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray: