Surgery with Mr Hughes London this Friday


On styloid length, it didn’t seem to be a deal breaker, more just that he likes to know the lengths for due diligence or some reason. I think essentially VES is new to him so while he is willing to help he’s coming at it from a familiarity with standard ES.

Given that his surgery is much cheaper than Dr Heim maybe it would be worth the consultation fee to see? Not sure.

As for C1 Vs styloid… Yes Dr Higgins certainly thought I had C1 involvement and was moving towards recommending Axon do a C1 shave and styloidectomy. Higgins is on pause for the foreseeable it seem now though. So the only other option for C1 shave I know of without going to the USA is Mr Timothy. He told me he had done around 5 when we spoke in 2020, all as part of a spinal fusion procedure. I know he’s done more now, but given

  1. his relative lack of experience with the procedure,
  2. the unknown long term effects of the surgery on stability etc.
  3. the more seriousness of the surgery (I think?)

I’m happy to try styloid first and see if it gives some relief. If it gives partial relief then I’ll feel more optimistic about going for C1 as well